11. Drug Interaction Checks
This lesson will demonstrate the steps necessary to meet the Meaningful Use requirement for Drug Interaction Checks.
SOAPware 2011 or later must be used.
Note: To determine the version of SOAPware being used, Click on Help > About SOAPware. This will open a window which will show the version and build of SOAPware currently in use.
Implement drug-drug and drug-allergy interaction checks. These checks need to be in place during the entire reporting period. Use Rx Manager for script generation (e-script, print, and fax); this will meet all the requirements, provided structured medications are used in the Medication and Allergy fields in the Summary.
Measure Criteria:
Objective: Implement drug-drug and drug-allergy interaction checks.
Measure: The EP has enabled this functionality for the entire EHR reporting period.
For more detailed information on this measure, please Click on the "Reference" link below. This CMS documentation includes information on exclusions, attestation requirements, a definition of terms and important additional information.
Reference CMS: Drug Interaction Checks
Measurement Calculation
Drug-drug and drug-allergy interaction checks are not tracked within the SOAPware Meaningful Use dashboards. This Meaningful Use measure requires that the eligible professional must attest YES to having enabled drug-drug and drug-allergy interaction checks for the length of the reporting period to meet this measure.
Providers will need to ensure that drug-drug and drug-allergy interaction alerts are enabled for their User ID within Security Administration and they must remain enabled throughout the length of the reporting period.
Structured Summary Medications
In order to meet this meaningful use measure, structured medication items must be used in the Summary Medications field and SOAPnote Medications field. Users should already be using structured items in the Summary and SOAPnote to meet the requirement several other requirements.
For more information on using structured medications in the Summary Medications field see: Medications.
For more information on using structured medications in the SOAPnote Medications field see: Medication Entry.
Structured Summary Medication Allergies
In addition, structured medication allergy items should be used in the Summary Allergies field. To learn how this is accomplished, see: Medication Allergy List.
Using Rx Manager
To make sure that SOAPware's medication interactions and alerts are actively being used, the Rx Manager must be used to prescribe all medications, including eRx, samples, faxed, and printed medications. To learn about workflows for Rx Manager, see: ePrescribing.
Interactions Alert

When Rx Manager opens, if there is an interaction, an Alert box will appear. It is color-coded for minor alerts to appear green, moderate alerts to appear yellow, and major alerts to appear red. Click on the word "Alert" or "View Details" to view the Interaction Summary.
Drug-Drug & Drug-Allergy Interactions
Interactions may be viewed at any time from Rx Manager by selecting the "Interactions" button. The Interactions Summary will appear and drug interactions may be individually selected to view the additional details in the lower part of the window.
Drug Interaction Filtering

Users can enable or disable drug-drug and drug-allergy interaction alerts at the user level, group or role level in Security Administration. For information on setting up these security settings, see: Security - Drug Interaction Filtering.