(DRAFT) *NQF 0036 (Additional): Use of Appropriate Medications for Asthma
Measure: NQF 0036 (Additional Measure)
Measure Title: Use of Appropriate Medications for Asthma
Measure Description: Percentage of patients 5 - 50 years of age whom were identified as having persistent asthma, had at least one face-to-face encounter and were appropriately prescribed medication during the reporting period. Report three age stratification's (5-11 years, 12-50 years, and total).
*REQUIRED FOR MEANINGFUL USE (MU) ADDITIONAL QM MEASURE: Click here to view Meaningful Use Criteria.
At this time, we do not suggest that SOAPware users select this particular quality measure. We are in the process of adjusting the work flow and reporting in order to be more consistent with the reporting requirements.
Quality Measure Documentation Workflow

In order for the Clinical Quality Measure report to generate, the following must be documented in the relevant patient's chart:
1. The patient must be between the ages of 5-50 at the start of the reporting period and have at least one face-to-face encounter with the provider during the reporting period.
2. Documentation that thee patient was appropriately prescribed medication for persistent asthma during the measurement year. Using the shortcut code, “PQRIastThe” will insert the pick list that will display a list of items in SMARText Quick Access that meet the criteria. The encounter Plan field or the summary Interventions field must contain the CPT codes, 4015F and 1038F.
Note: Codes 4015F-2P and 4015F-8P will not increase the denominator because they will document that control medication was not prescribed.
3. Documentation that thee patient has persistent asthma. Using the shortcut code "PQRIastThe" will insert the pick list header, "Persistent asthma + Control Therapy QM", which will provide a list of criteria from which to document. The CPT code 1038F must display in the encounter Plan field or Summary Interventions field in order to document that the patient has persistent asthma and was prescribed medication during the measurement year.
Note: Code 1039F will not increase the numerator becasue it documents "Intermittent asthma".
This measure reports three age stratification's (5-11 years, 12-50 years, and 5-50 years).
Measurement Calculation Details
Numerator Calculation:
The numerator for this measurement is calculated based on the following:
1. The number of patients in the denominator whose charts contain the CPT item 4015F in the encounter Plan field or the Summary Interventions field and have had at least one face-to-face encounter within the reporting period.
Denominator Calculation:
The denominator for this measurement is calculated based on the following:
1. Patients between the ages of 5-50 with the CPT items 1038F and 4015F in the encounter Plan field.
Report Clinical Quality Measures to CMS/States
All of the items listed in the above steps need to be documented as structured data (as detailed above) in order to allow the user to capture the numerator, denominator and percentage for this quality measure.
For information on how to export the numerator, denominator and percentage for each Clinical Quality Measure, click here
For more information on reporting clinical quality measures, click here