Add and Verify Phone Number
Open Profile

Click the settings button next to your name in the top right corner and select Profile.
Add a Phone Number

Scroll down to the Phone section and click the Add a new number link.
Select Type of Number

Using the drop-down menu, select the type of phone number (ie: Home, Work, Mobile, or Fax), enter your phone number, and click the blue checkmark button to save your changes.
-Verifying a Text Enabled Phone Number

Select the option, Yes, send me a text message, then click Continue.

A verification box will appear. Once you receive the verification code via text, enter the code in the text box to verify your phone number.

The phone number has successfully been verified.
*Note: Users are now able to log in to myHEALTHware with this verified phone number, accompanied by the user's password.
-Verify a Phone Number using Voice Call

If your phone is not text capable, and you wish to verify the phone number by voice call, select the option No, I only receive voice calls, then click the Continue button.

After receiving the voice call, enter the access code that is played in the message to verify the phone number.

The phone number has successfully been verified.
Verify Phone Number at a Later Date

If you do not verify your phone number at the time it is added, you may still verify the number at a later date.
To verify a phone number:
- Click the smart phone icon to verify the phone number as a text capable phone.
- Click the phone receiver icon to verify the phone number as a voice only capable phone (ie: landline or not text capable)