Schedule EHR Training
Q: How do I schedule EHR Training?
Need One-on-One Training Assistance?
SOAPware offers hourly remote training sessions which are tailored around the topic or material of your choice. Whether you’re looking for a quick overview of software features, a detailed instruction on the Quality Payment Program (MACRA/MIPS), help with training a new employee, or simply have a question that begins How do I…, these focused online lessons are designed to meet the specific training needs of your clinic.
1. Go to the SOAPware Training Website
2(a). IF TRAINING IS ALREADY PURCHASED: Submit a Ticket to Schedule Training
If you have already purchased training and you just wish to schedule a session, click here to submit a request for a training session.
Create a New Training Ticket

- Complete your clinic information including the clinic name, zip code, contact, phone, email, account number and preferred contact method.
- Select the version of SOAPware that you are currently running. To find this, in SOAPware, go to Help > About SOAPware.
- In the Subject drop-down menu, select "Schedule Clinical Training".
- Enter any Questions or Comments.
- Click the Submit button.
2(b). IF TRAINING IS NOT PURCHASED: Purchase Training Sessions
If you have not already purchased training sessions, click the Purchase Training Sessions button on our Training website.
- In the EHR Training Hours section, enter the number of hours that you wish to purchase.
- Select three options for your preferred training day of the week.
- Enter the topics that you would like to cover during your training session.
Complete your contact information, then click the Checkout button.
3. Training Department Contact
If you request to schedule or purchase training, the SOAPware Training department will receive your request and will contact you to schedule your training session.