Enter a CPT Code/Charge
Q: How do I enter a CPT code/charge?
1. Open the SOAPnote
Open an existing SOAPnote or create a new SOAPnote.
See: Create a SOAPnote for help.
2. Place Cursor into Plan Field

Place your cursor into the Plan field of the SOAPnote. The bold green brackets indicate that the field is active and you can begin entering documentation.
3. Enter SMARText CPT Code

1. Type in the CPT code. Leave the cursor directly behind the last letter or number that was typed.

2. Press the Shift + the F11 key on your keyboard.

3. Double-click on the desired CPT code. *Ensure that you choose an item with a Type of ST Plan Item (do not choose an Order Entry item when entering CPT codes directly into the Plan field).
4. Complete Sub-Items

Complete any required sub-items for the CPT code. To complete the sub-items:
- Click on the sub-item pick list (ex: click on Related Dxs)
- Select the appropriate item from the SMARText Quick Access window
Repeat these steps to complete any necessary sub-items (Related Dxs, Modifiers, Date of Service, etc.)

The SMARText CPT code has been entered into the patient's Plan field. This CPT code can be used to create a Billing Statement, which can be posted to the patient's account (if using SOAPware Practice Management), or posted to your billing system (if integrated with SOAPware).