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Refile a Claim
Rebuild Multiple Claims at one time
Rebuild an entire claim file or multiple claims at one time to resubmit to payers.
Resubmit Rejected Claims
Billing -> Claims Manager -> Submitted Tab
Edit claims that have been submitted to Clearinghouse or Receiver and rejected with errors prior to submission to Payers.
Submitted Tab
Ready To Submit
Claims in the Claim Manager that have been scrubbed and are ready to submit to the Payer will be moved to the Ready to Process section
On Hold
Scrubber Errors-How to Correct and Rebuild Claim
<p>If the Scrubbing process finds a claim with errors/incomplete information, a Scrub Error message will pop up and the claim will automatically be moved to the On Hold section of Claims Manager. </p> <p>This lesson will describe the errors and list the steps to correct the error(s). The Claim w... -
Scrubbing Claims
General Work flow-Claims Manager
Billing -> Claims Manager
An Insurance Claim cannot be created unless insurance information has been entered in Patient Account Insurance Demographics tab.
Add Personal Payments from Billing Menu
Main Menu -> Billing -> Enter Payments
Apply personal payments to patient accounts. Make Payment dialog can also be accessed in the New Charges tab and the patient account Ledger. To apply Insurance Payments to accounts, see Post Insurance Payments.