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Enter Charges from Billing Menu
Billing -> Enter Charges
Change Payer/Guarantor in Make Payment dialog
Billing -> Patient Account -> Ledger tab -> Add Payment or Billing -> Patient Account -> New Charges tab-> Add Payment
Add Dependents to Payer/Non-Patient Account
Add Payer/Non-Patient Account in Demographics
Billing -> Patient Account -> Demographics Tab
Add a Payer/Non-Patient Account
Go to Billing -> Payer/Non-Patient Account
Add Adjustment in Ledger
Located in Billing -> Patient Account -> Ledger Tab
Delete an insurance payment from visit
Deleting an insurance payment from a patient ledger will also delete all other payments included on the remit, and will produce two prompts to confirm that you wish to delete.
Delete Personal Payment
Patient Account -> Ledger Tab
Print Receipt for Payment in Ledger
Apply a personal payment from patient ledger and print a receipt. Receipt for payment now showing more details. For this lesson, we will apply a payment made by a Payer/Non-Patient to three separate dependents accounts from one dependent account.
Add Payment in Patient Ledger