Billing Provider Legacy I.D.

Locate the claim and identify the Provider and the Insurance Company being filed.

Locate the claim and identify the Provider and the Insurance Company being filed.

Open the specific patient account, and click on the Claims Tab to locate the appropriate claim; OR double click on the correct claim from the Claims Manager.

  1. Notice the Provider for the claim.
  2. Notice the Insurance Company to which the claim will be filed.

Look up the Insurance Company and Locate the associated Provider Information.

Look up the Insurance Company and Locate the associated Provider Information.
  1. Go to the Tools menu, and select Insurance Companies.
  2. Locate the Insurance Company desired and double click on the name.
  3. Locate the Provider name at the bottom of the dialog and double click to edit.

Locate the Legacy ID being billed

Locate the Legacy ID being billed
  1. The Billing Provider Legacy qualifier and ID that will be entered in Box 33B will be shown in the fields highlighted above.
  2. If this information needs to be edited or changed, check the Override Group Values box in the top left hand corner, and edit as needed.
  3. Click Save.