Deleting Users & Reassign Tasks

Delete User

Delete User

You can delete Users in Security by going to Tools, Security. This will bring up the Security Administration window.

1. Highlight the name of the user you want to delete

2. Click the delete button

3. A prompt window will display to verify this action. Select "Yes" or "No".

Reassign Tasks

Reassign Tasks

A "Reassign Tasks" window will appear to prompt the action to reassign the deleted user's tasks to another user. Select the user  to reassign the tasks to from the drop-down menu. After this, the Security Changes window will display a prompt to log out before these changes will take place.

Searching the Audit Log of Deleted Users

Searching the Audit Log of Deleted Users

After deleting a User, their SOAPware activity may still be viewed in the audit log located in the Security Manager workspace. To do so, log in as the administrator and Click on the SOAPware menu item, then Click on Security Manager.  You will check the "Include Inactive Users" box.