Search for Docuplates

The Docuplate Library now contains thousands of docuplates, containing tens of thousands of keywords to assist with searching-finding. SOAPnote docuplates reviewed by SOAPware, Inc. have often had some qualifiers added to their descriptions. SOAPware docuplates vary in sophistication from those containing only  unstructured, free-text to those that contain mostly structured items. To reflect this, a convention is being followed to assist with ranking, sorting, and retrieving.

Continuum of Unstructured (US) to New Generation (NG)

Continuum of Unstructured (US) to New Generation (NG)

(US) – Unstructured, free-text.

(US/NG) – Mostly unstructured, but some New Generation structured items are included.

(NG/US) – Mostly New Generation, structured content, but much unstructured, free-text is present.

(NG) – Mostly New Generation, but often highly customized to a specific user or user type.

(NG+) - Mostly New Generation, but some free-text is present.

(NG++) - Less free-text.

(NG+++) - Little remaining, free-text.

(NG++++) - Majority of content is New Generation.

Note: Most official SOAP encounter docuplates are those with green triangles retrieved by searching on NG++++.  Also, notice that searching on NG+++ will retrieve docuplates having keywords containing NG++++  as well as NG+++.

Retrieve Docuplates Based on Organ System

Retrieve Docuplates Based on Organ System

Use one of these codes to review docuplates by one of 17 systems.

Searching by System

Searching by System

For example, a Pulmonologist or Allergist would like to only retrieve respiratory docuplates, search with R00 (R + zero + zero).