Record and Submit Immunizations
State health registries require specific information in the immunization files that are submitted including the facility name and the facility ID, which is assigned by the registry. Prior to following the steps below, contact your registry to obtain your facility ID. To make sure that the registry name and facility name are included in the immunization file, follow the Step 1 to setup registries. The other steps of this lesson will explain how to complete patient-specific immunization items, document immunizations, and export an immunization record. You will need to check with your registry to determine the best method for submitting the exported record.
Step 1: Setup Registries
-Add a Registry

- Go to Tools > Manage Registries.
- Click the Add Registry (green +) button to add a registry.
-Add a Facility

- Enter the name of the immunization registry.
- Click the Add Facility (green +) button, to add a facility.
-Select a Facility

- Using the drop down menu, click to choose the facility where immunizations are performed. If your facility is not listed, please see: Manage Facilities.
- Enter the facility ID assigned and obtained from your health registry.
- Click Save.
-Associate a Facility

- If another immunization facility is needed, click the Add New Registry (green +) button, and follow the previous step.
- If edits need to be made to the existing facility, click the Edit button.
- If a facility needs to be removed, click the Remove (red x) button.
- Click Save to save the registry name with associated facilities.
Step 2: Complete the Patient Specific Immunization Items
-Maiden Name

If applicable, complete the Maiden Name field for the patient.
-Next of Kin

Many registries require a patient to add their next of kin to his or her chart. To enter the next of kin, complete the following steps:
- Click the Related To... button. The Related To window will appear.
- Click the Add/Edit button. The Person Manager window will appear.

The Person Manager window can be used to search for a patient or non-patient, and relate them to the currently selected patient.
- Enter the next of kin's last name into the Last Name search field.
- Click the Search button.
- Select the correct next of kin by highlighting their name.
- Click the Relate button.
- Click OK on the pop-up window,
- Click the Close button to close the Person Manager.
*Note: The Person Manager will display all patients (that are in the chart rack) as well as non-patient accounts. If the patient's next of kin is not a patient of the clinic, they must be added as a non-patient account. For instructions on adding a non-patient account, please see: Add Payer/Non-Patient Account in Demographics.

In the Related To window:
- Using the drop down menu, select the relationship that this person has to the patient.
- To indicate that this person is the patient's next of kin, place a check in the Next of Kin box.
- Click the Close button to exit the Related To window.
-Mother's Maiden Name

Some registries will require the child's mother's maiden name be reported. To enter the mother's maiden name, follow the steps above to indicate the mother as "related to" the child.
Next, edit the mother's information to add her maiden name by following the steps below:
- Click the Billing menu > Payer/Non-Patient Account
- Using the Non-Patient Chart Rack, search for and open the mothers account.
- Enter the mother's maiden name into the Maiden Name column.
Ensure the mother is related to the child (as indicated in the steps above) in order for the mother's maiden name to be carried onto the child's immunization record export.
-Health Information Exchange

Many registries require some additional patient-specific information for immunizations. This information can be completed for the patient within the Health Information Exchange section of Demographics.
- Click the Health Information Exchange item located underneath the bottom splitter bar in the Demographics chart section.
- Complete the necessary items using the drop down menus. These items include: Vaccine Reminder Method, Registry Consent, Registry Status and Vaccine Funding Program Eligibility.
Below is a brief description of the HIE Immunization fields:
- Vaccine Reminder Method: This field specifies the manner or method in which the immunization registry sends reminders to the clinic for vaccinations.
- Registry Consent: Registry Consent is used to tell the registry whether the patient, parent or guardian consents to share submitted immunization information with other providers who access the registry.
- Registry Status: This field specifies the patient's current status with the clinic when submitting to an immunization registry.
- Vaccine Funding Program Eligibility: This field indicates the patients eligibility for VFC program. For more information please click here.
Step 3: Structured Immunization Entry Sub-Item Set Up

Before entering immunizations, you must set up your sub-item display. To do this, click on Tools > Options > Structured Order Entry, then place a check in the box next to each sub-item that you wish to display for your immunizations.
It is recommended that you display, at minimum, the following sub-items:
- Dose
- Site
- Route
- Manufacturer
- Lot #
- Date VIS Given (if required by your state immunization registry)
- Date VIS Published (if required by your state immunization registry)
- Vaccinator (the staff member that gave the vaccination)
- Status (to record if the immunization is new, historical, refused, or not performed)
- Expiration Date
- NDC #
- Date
- Performed Date
Step 4: Document and Submit the Immunization Order
-Document the Immunization

The screenshot above displays an immunization order entered using Order Manager. For instructions on documenting immunizations, please see: Placing Orders for Immunizations.
Due to the way Immunization Order SMARText items are designed:
- They cannot be searched and inserted into the Plan field by using F11 or Shift F11.
- They cannot be part of a SMARText Pick List.
- They cannot be selected from SMARText Quick Access.
- They cannot be inserted into the Plan field by using a shortcut code.
*Note: Immunization Orders may only be entered using Order Manager.
-Submit Immunization

Clicking Submit will automatically place the immunization in the Results Pending list and in the Plan field of the open SOAPnote. For instructions on moving immunizations out of the pending list, please see: Results Pending.
Step 5: Export the Immunization Record

After opening the patient's chart, follow these steps to export an immunization record:
- Open the Immunizations chart section.
- Click the Export Immunizations button.
- Select either "Export All Immunizations" to export the full immunization record OR "Export Selected Immunizations" to export only the highlighted immunizations from the Immunization chart section.
- Click Export.
-Select a Registry

- If more than one registry has been added to your system, select the appropriate registry for submitting immunizations using the Registry drop down menu.
- If more than one facility has been associated with the registry, select the appropriate facility using the Facility drop down menu.
- Click Continue.
-Save the File

- Choose the appropriate folder for saving immunizations.
- Enter a name for the file.
- Currently this export can only be saved as an Er7 file type.
- Click Save.
Step 5: Submit the File to the Appropriate Registry
Once the file has been saved to your local computer, you can now submit the file to the appropriate registry based upon their instructions for submitting files. If you are unsure how to submit your file to your registry, please contact the registry for instructions.
If you have purchased the SOAPware Immunization Solution, then the interface to submit immunization files to your registry should have been completed prior to your training session. This means you are ready to begin submitting immunizations to your registry using the method described above and during your training session. Here are some additional considerations for the Immunization Solution once you complete your training session.
- If you have not completed registration, you should contact your registry to ensure the appropriate paperwork has been filled out in order to proceed.
- Your registry will assign a specific facility ID which you are to indicate in SOAPware. If you have not received this from your registry you should contact your registry to acquire the facility ID.
- Once your training session is complete, validation testing will begin. The length of time it takes to complete validation testing varies and is partly determined by your registries requirements. Please proceed by submitting immunizations as normal. You will be informed once validation is complete and the interface is in production.
- If there are issues with any immunizations sent to the registry, a representative will contact you regarding them. Most issues can be resolved by ensuring that all the appropriate information is recorded in SOAPware.