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Updated on: Dec 06, 2022
Intro to Security
<p>This lesson teaches how to setup Security for a clinic staff that will include settings for Groups, Roles, and individual users according to HIPAA guidelines and regulations for electronic health records.</p> -
Updated on: Dec 06, 2022
eRx Monitor
<p>This application is used to download your refills from Surescripts. If the application is running, every 15-minutes it will look at the Surescripts Server to see if you have any refills to download. eRx Monitor needs to run only on one computer for the day.</p> <p>Important: You will automatically be signed up for refill requests with SOAPware 2010. You must sign in to the eRx Monitor daily to receive those refill requests from the pharmacy. </p> -
Updated on: Dec 06, 2022
Rx Manager - Refill Requests
<p>The Refill Requests tab provides a location to view this patient's matched refill requests. You can approve or deny them here or you can use the Refill Requests Manager to address all patient refills from one central place. To learn more about refill requests manager, see: <a href="x-screensteps-link://" target="_blank">Refills</a></p> -
Updated on: Dec 06, 2022
Rx Manager - History Tab
<p>The area under the History tab displays a complete list of all prescribing actions-transactions (refills, add/remove, start/stop, print, fax edits etc.) performed in Rx Manager. It distinguishes refills from new prescriptions. It also lists whether prescriptions were sent electronically (i.e. E-Rx), printed, faxed, samples, etc. The columns can be sorted by clicking on the headers. The Add button allows for prescriptions to be added to the Medication List in Rx Pad. There are additional columns to the right of the display that are accessible via the horizontal scroll bar (i.e. destination pharmacy, prescriber etc.)</p> -
Updated on: Dec 06, 2022
Rx Manager - Rx Pad
<p>Some workflow choices are now available in SW-2010 that do not exist in previous versions:</p> <p>Changes to prescriptions within Rx Manager are now automatically reflected in the currently active SOAPnote as long as an encounter note is displayed and unlocked (i.e. not signed off or in use elsewhere). For example, removing a prescription within the Rx Pad in Rx Manager removes it from the SOAPnote Medications field.</p> <p>Rx Manager now allows new prescriptions to be created from within the manager itself. In other words, any/all prescriptions can be created just within the Rx manager which subsequently updates the encounter note.</p> <p><span style="color: rgb(255,0,0)"><strong>*THIS LESSON CONTAINS THE FOLLOWING MEANINGFUL USE (MU) CORE REQUIREMENTS:</strong></span></p> <p><span style="color: rgb(255,0,0)"><strong>1. E-PRESCRIBING FOR 40% OF PERMISSIBLE SCRIPTS - SEE SUBMIT RX</strong></span></p> <p><span style="color: rgb(255,0,0)"><strong>2. MEDICATION INTERACTIONS/ALERTS - SEE INTERACTIONS BUTTON</strong></span></p> -
Updated on: Dec 06, 2022
Editing Text in SOAPware
<p>In this lesson we will describe how to edit SMARText items within your documentation. </p> <p>Even though SMARText appears similar to free-text, SMARText has hidden information associated with the words and phrases used in documentation. As a result, the documentation is able to be identified electronically and read by the computer thus making your documentation more searchable. Therefore, when editing SMARText items you should follow the rules described in this lesson.</p> -
Updated on: Dec 06, 2022
TIP - Docking SMARText Quick Access
<p>In this lesson we will describe how to dock the SMARText Quick Access window.</p> <p>The SMARText Quick Access window is used when working with SMARText and Location Pick Lists. You can dock the SMARText Quick Access window on any side of your computer screen, however we suggest that the SMARText Quick Access be docked on the right hand side of your screen for easy retrieval of the Pick List items.</p> -
Updated on: Dec 06, 2022
ROS & Physical
<p><strong>Getting Started with Your Own Documentation - SUMMARY - ROS & Physical Documentation</strong></p> <p>The ROS field in the Summary chart section can be used to store a review of systems related to the various organ systems.</p> <p>The Physical field in the Summary chart section can be used to store a physical examination for easy retrieval.</p> <p>The ROS & Physical fields are from previous versions of SOAPware and are rarely used in more current versions of SOAPware.</p> -
Updated on: Dec 06, 2022
Social History
<p><strong>Getting Started with Your Own Documentation - SUMMARY - Social History Documentation</strong></p> <p>This lesson will demonstrate how to insert the Social History Starter Pick List if your Summary docuplate does not already contain the starter pick list. This lesson will also describe how to use the Social History Starter Pick List.</p> <p>The Social History field in the Summary chart section is used to record a list of social issues including such things as living situation, support systems, etc..</p> -
Updated on: Dec 06, 2022
<p><strong>Getting Started with Your Own Documentation - SUMMARY - Interventions Documentation</strong></p> <p>This lesson will demonstrate how to enter information into the Interventions field using free text data entry.</p> <p>The Interventions field in the Summary chart section can be used as a miscellaneous field that may include things such as last significant medical testing and/or lab work.</p>