Recent Updates

  • Updated on: Dec 07, 2022

    Appeal/Resubmit a Denied Claim

    <p>Denied claims can be moved to On Hold section of the Claims Manager with a comment or instructions for resubmitting a corrected claim or appealing the determination.</p>
  • Updated on: Dec 07, 2022

    Download and Select Remits

  • Updated on: Dec 07, 2022

    Security for Deleting Remits

    <p>It is recommended that only selected users be allowed to delete remits. If a downloaded remit is inadvertently deleted from Download or Create Insurance Payment list, that remit can be manually selected from the clearinghouse archived remits to download again.</p>
  • Updated on: Dec 07, 2022

    Clearinghouse Account Settings

    <p>Remits are generated every 4 hours by Trizetto, placed in a secure-file-transfer-protocol (sftp) and ready to Download at your convenience. Account settings will have to be edited in order to put that automated generation in process. </p> <p>When Auto Generate Remittances is checked, any remits without a Download Date will be included in the first download. Remits that should be verified as previously posted will have a yellow background when viewing the downloaded remits list within SOAPware. After verifying a remit has been posted, the remit can be deleted from the list.  </p> <p>Remits can also be manually selected for download, if preferred.</p>
  • Updated on: Dec 07, 2022

    Edit Errors

    <p>Electronic Remittance Advice files are matched to the submitted claims within SOAPware. If the ERA returned by a payer doesn't completely match the claim information within SOAPware, the mismatched area will be shaded pink with a tool tip to help identify the error. Once these mismatched items are changed in SOAPware to agree with the information on the remit, future remits for that payer/patient will match and not return with errors.</p> <ul><li>The Post Payment button is not enabled until all errors are corrected. </li> <li>Most errors can be corrected by Matching patients or claims that are shaded pink.</li> <li>If changes are made in patient demographics and Insurance Company setup, to match the way they are returned on the remit, this will reduce the amount of errors for future downloads.</li> </ul>
  • Updated on: Dec 07, 2022

    Insurance Payment Analysis Report

  • Updated on: Dec 07, 2022

    Citizen ID Field in Demographics

  • <p>The workflow in this lesson show SOAPware PM users how to create and upload a test file to Trizetto using claims that are manually entered in our PM system, and have never been processed by the payers/insurance companies. Test claims will not be forwarded to payers when they are uploaded using the following instructions. Mock charges can also be used as long as they are created using actual patient data that will pass Trizetto scrubbers.</p> <p>Charges can be posted from the patient chart if preferred. See ICD-10 Clinical Features for instructions.</p> <p>The file should contain a minimum 25 claims for various payers, using only the ICD 10 code set.  </p> <p>Each test claim will have to be corrected and resubmitted to payers using the ICD 9 codes prior to October 1, 2015. Mock claims should be deleted once the file is accepted and approved.  </p>
  • Updated on: Dec 07, 2022

    Practice Management New Features

    <p>It is recommended that SOAP notes created prior to this update be completed and the Billing Statement created, if possible. Users should also Post all Billing Statements in their Task Manager prior to updating to 7.0.9057. </p> <p>Billing Statements remaining in the Task Manager or incomplete SOAP notes in the chart will have to be re-related to each procedure in the chart or in Charge Details prior to posting to patients ledger in New Charges tab.</p>
  • Updated on: Dec 07, 2022

    Update All Diagnoses SMARText Items

    <p>SOAPware highly recommends that you start preparing for the transition to ICD-10 immediately.  The information below details some of the steps you can take to begin preparing your documentation.  The most up-to-date SOAPware version is required for the transition to ICD-10. </p> <p>At this time, greater than 90% of the 7000 core, customized diagnosis SMARText items that SOAPware users are actually using are coded for ICD-9 as well as billable ICD-10 (and SNOMED-CT) codes.</p>