SOAPware 2012 Release Notes
2012.0.12023 Release Notes
- Resolved an issue with an error message occurring when SOAPwareXchange receives a message from the LIS middleware CareEvolve.
Order Manager
- Resolved an issue with the Ordering Provider sub-item for Order Entry and Immunization Order items where the ordering provider was not being recorded if the sub-item was not displayed.
2012.0.11057 Release Notes
Order Manager
- Resolved an error that was occurring when logging out of SOAPware after submitting an order, from an open chart.
Rx Manager
- Resolved an error that was occurring when opening Rx Manager.
- Optimized performance of retrieving the latest Rx strengths and forms.
- Optimized performance when retrieving Rx formulary & eligibility information. Added functionality to run eligibility retrieval in the background when opening Rx Manager, so it does not interfere with the use of Rx Manager.
- The online search tool and repository that was previously referred to as the SOAPware Online Library is now called the SOAPware Cloud Library. This terminology change has been made in several areas within the software.
2012.0.10272 Release Notes
Order Manager
- Resolved issue with the "?" symbol displaying after the header of all Order Entry and Immunization Order SMARText Items within the SOAPnote Plan field.
- Resolved issue with sub-items not displaying properly in Order Manager and the SOAPnote Plan field.
SOAPnote Printing
- Resolved issue with printing a blank VS: header when printing a SOAPnote that contained vital signs that had previously been deleted.
- Resolved issue with an incorrect Social Security number being entered when creating a new chart through the unmatched patient list.
Meaningful Use Dashboard Export
- Resolved issue with exporting the Meaningful Use Patient Detail report that included patients who had been checked for formulary eligibility or had rich text documents within the chart.
Practice Management
- Resolved issue with generating End of Day Report by user
- Resolved issue with generating Payment Summary by user
2012.0.9084 Release Notes
Provider Manager
- Resolved issue with provider's signature disappearing intermittently
Rx Manager
- Resolved issue with printing the Prescription ID macro outside of Rx Manager
- Resolved issue with pre-selected Strength’s of Rx’s
Practice Management
- Resolved issue with Group Number pulling from Group Name field in Insurance demographics
- Resolved issue with Ledger Performance
- Resolved issue with Payment Summary Report not showing duplicate entries for Co-Pay and Pre-Pays
2012.0.8077 Release Notes
Rx Manager
- Resolved issue with Rx Manager creating duplicate entries in the History tab when meds are submitted via Samples
- Resolved issue where certain document types were not saving correctly
- Resolved issue where the renaming of documents weren't saving correctly
- Resolved issue with Document Designer macro for "Secure Quantity/Refill Numbers"
- Resolved issue with SOAPware freezing up related to using the SMARText Quick Access window
Practice Management
- Resolved issue with patient information bar not displaying patient’s entire address.
- Resolved issue with modifiers changing order in claim file.
- Resolved issue with getting an error when cancelling Statement generation.
2012.0.7115 Release Notes
Meaningful Use
- Resolved issue with Medication Reconciliation counting non-face to face encounters
- Resolved issue with NQF 0041 and CPT Code G8482
- Resolved issue with NQF 0002 and patients turning 19 during the reporting period
Rx Manager
- Resolved issue with submitting prescriptions through Rx Manager after Refilling a med from the History tab
- Resolved issue with submitting prescriptions through Rx Manager after adding a med from the Medications tab
- Resolved issue with selecting a newly added pharmacy in Rx Manager
- Resolved issue with the cursor not moving to the right position after using Ctrl + ] and an arrow key
- Resolved issue with the page not scrolling down while using Ctrl + ] to navigate through a SMARText document
- Resolved issue with Ctrl + Delete deleting an entire SOAP/Summary field
- Resolved issue with using Shift and Clicking to highlight text in a SMARText document
- Resolved issue with the cursor jumping after using Copy and Paste in a SMARText document
- Resolved issue with inserting docuplates causing extra lines to be inserted at the end of a SMARText document
Chart Rack
- Resolved issue with typing the month of a birthdate in Chart Rack
- Resolved issue with Chart Rack ignoring special characters in the search field
- Added multiple improvements to memory management of SOAPware
- Resolved issue with saving changes made to files opened externally from SOAPware
- Resolved issue with the F2 and T2 CPT modifiers and their descriptions
Practice Management
- Resolved issue with Statements pulling wrong phone number
- Resolved issue with Production by Procedure Report not including current day procedures
2012.0.6022 Release Notes
- Resolved issue with Demographic changes reverting back by using the Set Default Pharmacy button in Rx Manager with a certain workflow
- Resolved issue with the provider ID not being inserted into Superbill files
Custom Reporting
- Resolved issue with Custom Reporting timing out during long searches
NQF Measures
- Resolved memory management issue when a facility was not selected in Scheduler while exporting NQF measure results
2012.0.5044 Release Notes
Performance Improvement
- Improved performance when signing off documents in a chart with lots of images
- Improved performance when closing SOAPware using the X button
Meaningful Use
- Resolved issue with NQF 0024
- Resolved issue with NQF 0031
- Resolved issue with NQF 0038
- Resolved issue with NQF 0062
- Resolved issue with NQF 0070
- Resolved issue with NQF 0081
- Resolved issue with NQF 0083
- Resolved issue with NQF 0089
- Resolved issue with NQF 0387
- Resolved issue with the date range in export file for Year To Date snapshots
- Resolved issue with Clinical Summaries credit being given to the active provider instead of the SOAP Note owner
- Implemented memory management improvement during statistics calculation to resolve out of memory errors during MU statistics calculation
Practice Management
- Resolved error with Duplicate Report when using PostgreSQL 9.0
- Resolved timeout error when running PM reports on large databases
- Added 2013 HCPCS and CPT Modifiers
- Resolved issue with Demographics of a chart being overwritten by Demographics of a patient account in a specific workflow
- Pathology and Radiology reports imported through SOAPwareXchangeHL7 now correctly display the Collection Date at the top
- SOAPwareXchangeHL7 will now ignore certain file types inside the Source folder that are not HL7 files
- Resolved issue with immediate changes not saving after appending a document and cancelling the task creation
- Resolved image annotations issue with the selected tool changing back to the cursor after each use
- Implemented memory management improvement throughout various windows in SOAPware
- Resolved issue with Encounter Viewer not displaying all previous encounters when switching to an older encounter in the chart
- Resolved issue with Handouts not being printed to the correct printer when printing through a document design
- Resolved an issue with extraneous audit log data
- Added additional error logging to help identify a problem with Summary documents
2012.0.3063 Release Notes
- Resolved issue with deleting mappings in Remote Management Utility
- Added support for certain HL7 version 2.5 message segments
- Resolved issue with importing PDF’s into the SOAP Note section
Meaningful Use
- Resolved intermittent issue with exporting patient records to PDF
- Resolved issue with clinical summaries measure and removing encounters
Patient Loader
- Resolved issue with patient loader count
Practice Management
- Improved memory management issue in Patient Account
- Resolved issue with Box 33 A & B on CMS 1500 form with override group values selected
- Resolved issue with statement reports and inactive providers
- Resolved issue with statement reports on large databases
- Resolved issue with SV101-7 element on electronic claims
- Resolved issue with the Production by Procedure report not calculating correctly for charges with multiple units
- Resolved issue with the maximum length of CPT code descriptions
- Updated F9/Remove Unused Items functionality to no longer remove billing data in CPT codes
- Resolved issue with cloud RX history items not displaying immediately
- Resolved multiple issues with patient Formulary information
- Resolved multiple issues with patient Rx Eligibility information
2012.0.1025 Release Notes
- Resolved memory management issue in Patient Account.
Patient Portal Update - July 27, 2012
- Resolved login issue with a registered patient after un-enrollment and re-enrollment.
2012.0.1019 Release Notes
- Resolved issue with two users editing SOAP Notes in the same chart at the same time
- Resolved compatibility issue with latest Data Manager and PGAdmin
- Resolved issue with patient statements reflecting credit adjustments in the Current Balance field.
- Updated the Structured Labs measure denominator calculation to no longer include HL7 labs that did not contain structured data
- Resolved issue with running Data Manager Maintenance manually after scheduling Maintenance
- Resolved issue with checking RX Eligibility
2012.0.331 Release Notes
- Resolved issue with V4 Data Converter
- NQF 0075 calculation has been expanded
- Total Charges & Balance Due fields on CMS 1500 form now will be the sum of items 1-6 per page instead of the total for entire claim if the claim has more than 6 items and is split across multiple pages
- Resolved issue with Patient Loader Utility when processing comma delimited text files
- Added performance measure exclusion modifiers consisting of 1P, 2P, 3P and 8P
- Resolved issue with ending zeros after a decimal point on unit values when submitting claims
2012.0.313 Release Notes
Practice Management
- Added ability to re-select None for eligibility qualifier in Insurance Company setup after selecting an initial eligibility qualifier
- End of Month report now matches calculations and numbers in the End of Year report
- Resolved issue with the Production by Procedure report when referring provider was selected
- Resolved issue with the CMS 1500 form pulling the insurance policy phone number
- Resolved issue with the CMS 1500 form not calculating the Balance Due field correctly
- Resolved issue with More Info on a New Visit allowing owner and facility to be blank
- End of Month report now only reports provider values and not group and summary values when a single provider is chosen
- Resolved issue with field 17A (Referring Provider) on paper claims
- Resolved issue with End of Year group summary values
- Resolved issue with not being able to re-select the current year in the End of Month dialog
- Resolved issue with posting empty superbills
- Resolved issue with custom demographic fields being overwritten in SOAPware from blank entries in a SOAPwareXchange demographics file
- Resolved issue with importing insurance demographics that relate to an insurance company without a zip code in SOAPware
- Resolved issue with file separator character in HL7 files
- Improved performance when opening charts and patient accounts
- Resolved issue with View Previous Encounters in the By RX and By DX tabs
- Improved memory handling in multiple areas
- Resolved issue with demographics not saving if multiple users are using patient accounts in certain areas at the same time
- Resolved display issue when minimizing SOAPware on Windows 7
- Resolved printing issue when printing Health Maintenance macros in a document design
- Resolved issue with Syndromic Health Surveillance SMARTFlow not running
- Resolved issue with viewing PDF files increasing the size of the Windows temp folder
- Resolved issue with SMARText items not remaining green arrows (trusted)
- Resolved locking issue in Insurance Demographics
- Printing from Order Manager now prints what is displayed in the Plan field
- Added security log entry type for signing off Flow Sheet dates
- Corrected several NQF measure default file names used when exporting
- Resolved issue with encounter type changing upon canceling of docuplate insertion
- Resolved issue with uploading certain SMARText items to the cloud library
- Resolved issue with Share Charts exporting certain images
- Resolved issue with the ordering of Available Document Designs in Document Designer
- Resolved issue with the ordering of Specialties in Contacts
- Resolved issue with exporting a CCR after removing the sub item of an Allergy type SMARText item
- Resolved issue with viewing billing statement from SOAP Notes section
- Resolved issue with demographics locking with a chart and patient account open at the same time on the same PC
- Resolved printing issue when a specified printer for a document design does not exist
2012.0.255 Release Notes
Practice Management
- Resolved issue when posting manually added charges from the New Charges tab
- Resolved performance issue with Windows Server 2008 and Remote Desktop Protocol
2012.0.217 Release Notes
Practice Management
- Resolved issue with patients without an account/ledger not being listed in the chart rack
- Improved performance when opening patient accounts
- Resolved issue with Accept Assignment field in paper claims
- Resolved issue with the area code in the Telephone field in paper claims
- Resolved issue with Similar Illness Date in paper claims
- Resolved issue with Medicaid Resubmission Code in paper claims
- Resolved issue with the Ready Area in Claims Manager recognizing Secondary Paper Claims
- Resolved issue with the Ordering Physician address being sent on electronic claims
- Resolved issue with the PER IC segment being sent on electronic claims
- Added 2012 CPT/HCPCS codes and modifiers
- Resolved issue with the Legacy ID, field 32B, on paper claims not populating correctly
- Resolved issue with Social Security Number in Insurance Demographics auto-populating
- Resolved issue with Phreesia interface
Security Manager
- Resolved issue with date/times on certain audit log entries
Document Import
- Resolved issue with imported documents being incorrectly locked after they were imported
Month End Report Improvements
- The date selection tool has changed to a month and year selection instead of the specific day calendar since this report covers the entirety of a month
- The month end report now allows users to choose between posted date and date of service on charges
- The month end report now calculates based on the following logic:
- The report aging is based on all charges that have been posted (for the provider/group selected), and all payments and adjustments that have been posted to those charges, as of the end of the month or the current date, which ever occurs first chronologically. Charges, payments, and adjustments must be posted or applied in the given month to appear in the MTD area and in the given year to appear in the YTD.
*Note: The End of Year report is currently in development, in order to update the calculations to match the changes made in the End of Month report for the 2012.0.217 release. We will be releasing an update that will show the new calculations. Please be looking for updates to come.
- Resolved printing issue where secondary pages of document designs go to the default printer
- Resolved printing issue with embedded images in documents
2012.0.186 Release Notes
- Resolved important issue with auto-update utility
Also includes 2012.0.182 changes:
- Resolved Rendering Provider field claims issue
- Resolved Update issues that caused errors during database updates for some customers
- Resolved F5 issue where people could not use F5 to insert a docuplate
- Resolved scanning problem in the Custom and Insurance tabs in the Patient Account
- Resolved Prior Authorization field issue in paper claims
- Resolved Referring Provider field issue in paper claims
- Resolved Patient balance issue in top right of patient account
- Resolved issue that caused problems in the Patient A/R, Carrier A/R, custom report and patient statements
2012.0.175 Release Notes
- Notes section of Demographics display issue resolved
- Resolved issue with patient pictures when importing and exporting charts
- Resolved issue with re-enrolling patient onto patient portal
- Resolved issue with Demographics macros from Document Designer not pulling latest data
- Phone number correctly populates in new insurance policy field
- Resolved issue with SOAPwareXchange processing empty demographic fields
- Insurance company data during processing will now check for a matching insurance company instead of always creating new companies
- SOAPwareXchange processes gender in insurance policy correctly now
- SOAPwareXchange now ignores dashes and parenthesis when matching phone numbers and zip codes on insurance companies
- Improved handling of improperly formatted REP segments in SOAPwareXchange
- Scheduler reports now list scheduplate by “Abbreviation Name”
- Resolved intermittent error when deleting blocks in Scheduler
- Resolved issue with using a scheduplate when a conflict arises
Rx Manager
- Schedule II medication submission setting now saves correctly
- Inserting a SMARText item from SMARText Quick Access correctly increments the usage counter
- Clear Contents button in SMARText Quick Access now disabled if user does not have Update permissions
- Resolved issue with saving drug courses
- CCR now lists the smoker status description as well as the code
- CCR now only includes Health Maintenance items that were “performed”
Data Manager
- Resolved index out of range error during backups
- Data Manager maintenance logging working correctly now
Meaningful Use
- Scanning into Labs section now prompts user with MU dialog just as importing images does
- Structured Labs measure numerator now counts numeric values regardless of lab test type (numeric range, free text or pick list)
- Expanded calculations for NQF 0018
- Expanded calculations for NQF 0064
- Expanded NQF 0575 measure to include any lab with “a1c” instead of just “Hgb A1c”
- Expanded NQF 0027 measure to allow for easier interpretation of results
- Improved error reporting in Meaningful Use Dashboard
- Search Documentation button now searches SOAPware Screensteps documentation
- Docutainer History now lists document deleted audit log entries
- Resolved error with switching between charts containing PDF files
- Resolved issue with Health Maintenance values being erased with a new column dated in the past
- Resolved issue with storing annotations on embedded images
- Resolved issue with Health Maintenance Document Designer macros
- Resolved error when downloading over an existing SOAP Note docuplate
- Resolved issue with inserting spaces in Add Task window
- Resolved issue with security settings related to deleting SOAP Notes
- Ordered By field in Labs now allows editing
- Resolved issue with installing SOAPware FastStart service without .NET Framework 3.5
- Printing flow sheet values that were populated from a lab docuplate working correctly now
- Resolved issue with printing to the default printer with some printers
- Resolved security issue with RX-Allergy interaction alerts
- Resolved issue with printing embedded images
- Resolved issue with custom SOAP/Summary field header macros in document designer
- Resolved issue with disabling Transaction Logging
- Resolved issue with copying and pasting from Microsoft Word documents
- Patient Account chart rack now remembers the search type previously selected
- Resolved issue with clinical alerts on SMARText insertion
- Resolved issue when excluding patients through Remote Management Utility
Practice Management
- Resolved issue with PostgreSQL 9.0
- Resolved issue with adding/editing cents inside payments
- Resolved issue with domain codes deactivating incorrectly
- Resolved issue with correct Insurance Verified information displaying
- Resolved issue with Missing Charges report counting deleted billing statements
- Resolved issue with corrections to claims not saving all fields while posting insurance payments
- Resolved issue with changes not being saved when omitting charges from re-filing, while posting an insurance payment