SOAPware Release Notes
New Features
If you would like to view a list of the new features available in SOAPware's latest release, please see: New Features.
Current Version: 7.0.18010
- Resolved an out of memory issue associated with bulk export when using Share Chart.
- Resolved an issue with CCDA export that resulted in an exception when using Share Chart.
- Resolved various bulk export exceptions when using Share Chart.
- Resolved an issue with an arithmetic bug.
- Resolved an issue where clinical flow sheets would not print in chronological order.
- Resolved an issue with security when expiration date is reached which allowed users to log into SOAPware without credentials. User credentials that are set up prior to expiration and/or sunset date will remain enabled. Users also have the ability to recover their password.
- Resolved error that occurred when switching from the Chart workspace to the Scheduler.
- Resolved out of memory issues that occurred when exporting all charts.
- Resolved issue where user customizations did not save.
- Resolved issue when selecting strength for an Adzenys medication item.
- Resolved an issue with the Meaningful Use Patient Dasbhoard that was causing the "green checkmark" not to properly display.
Practice Management:
- Resolved an issue with modifiers being removed from a claim after the claim was rebuilt.
- Resolved an issue with the order of diagnosis not holding when rebuilding a claim.
- Added a feature that will auto-number the related diagnosis as the user selects the diagnosis so they do not have to be manually ordered.
- Updated the encryption algorithm that is used for creating passwords and logging in to SOAPware.
- Resolved an issue with printing flow sheets by a specified date range where they were printing all dates and out of chronological order.
- Resolved an issue that was causing a regular, non-administrative SOAPware user to be denied access to modify the Radiology Docutainer Info, which includes the document date, name, etc.
- Resolved an issue that was occurring with the Summary medication when the user re-filled a medication from Rx Manager, modified the strength of the medication, and then used F9 to removed unused items.
- Resolved an issue in the View All Refill Requests interface that was causing the Date Requested and Last Fill Date to not be displayed. These fields have been added back in to the second column for Refill Requests.
- Resolved an issue that was occurring when the user had medication sub-items deselected in the Options dialog. This was causing the user to be denied access to modify the sub-items through Rx Manager.
Practice Management:
- Resolved an issue with the credit balance report not reporting the correct patients.
- Improved performance with running the credit balance report.
- Resolved an issue that was occurring when a claim has an auto-remit payment posted to it that has previously been posted and that claim is rebuilt and submitted, it was keeping all previous adjustments codes on the CAS line.
- Resolved an issue that was occurring when posting a remit with the next action selected as "wait for additional payment", it was changing the claims status from Submitted to Processed.
- Resolved an issue where the Date Entered when posting an insurance payment was defaulting to the current date when un-posting an auto-posted remit payment.
- Improved performance issues that were occurring when the clinic had one computer that was scrubbing a large amount of claims and a second computer that was accessing patient accounts.
- Added the patient detail information to the top header of documents when they are faxed from SOAPware using myHEALTHware Fax. The header information will contain the patient name, DOB, provider name, and the date/time of the document.
- Added a feature that will gray out certain measures on the Meaningful Use Snapshot when a back-dated snapshot is performed. These measures include: Maintain Problem List, Active Medication List, Record Demographics, Record Vital Signs, and Record Smoking Status. These measures will be grayed out on a back-dated snapshot because they do not calculate properly when running a back-dated report due to the fact that many of the items are not dated items.
- Modified the wording of "DPC Payment" in the Patient Account to be "Membership Fee".
- Resolved an issue where CPT codes were not staying in the proper order once they were submitted from Order Manager to the Billing Statement.
- Resolved an issue where users were able to edit the Related Dxs of an order after it has been submitted to the History tab.
- Resolved an issue where an extra space was inserted into the Notes field of the Add Document Task window when inserting an order.
- Resolved an issue where numerous orders where showing the incorrect Ordering Clinician.
- Resolved an issue where the user was receiving an error message and a "big red X" on the patient chart when opening the patient chart from the Scheduler.
- Resolved an error that was occurring when the user attempted to export a Meaningful Use snapshot from an older version of SOAPware.
- Improved performance related to an issue that was occurring when the SMARTFlow for NQF 0421 was running upon chart load.
- Resolved an issue that was preventing the user from adding an addendum or attachment to a document that had been previously signed off. In addition, this resolves the issue that was preventing the user from adding a new Summary template after deleting the existing Summary.
- Resolved an issue where the patient demographic header was not appearing on the header of documents when exported from Share Charts.
- Made improvements to the QRDA file exported from the Meaningful Use Dashboard to allow acceptance by the PQRS validator tool.
Practice Management:
- Resolved an issue where the PM system was not allowing the user to delete an unapplied copay, prepay, or membership payment when it was spread across multiple patient accounts.
- Resolved an issue where the PM Next Action was not changing the claim from submitted to processed on $0.00 payments.
- Resolved an issue that was preventing users from uploading a Template to the SOAPware Cloud Library.
- Resolved an error that was occurring when attempting to export charts that contained certain PDF documents.
- Resolved an issue where signed off documents were not appearing as signed in the documents list.
- Resolved an issue that was preventing users from searching for Order Entry SMARText Items by doing an F11 or Shift F11 search in the SOAP note Plan field.
- Resolved an issue where the Related Dxs sub-item was not automatically displaying on all Order types.
- Resolved an issue where downloading SMARText Item updates for a medication was updating the currently entered medication, but was not updating the same medication item in the SMARText Items table.
Practice Management:
- Resolved an error that was occurring when attempting to download certain remits.
- Resolved an issue that was preventing users from removing an un-applied pre-pay.
- Resolved an issue that was causing an "Unsaved Data" message to pop-up when attaching a patient to a manual remit.
- Resolved an issue that was occurring after rebuilding a claim and switching between claims in the post insurance payment screen. This issue was causing a manual remit not to turn from submitted to processed after the remit was posted.
- Resolved an issue with adjustment codes calculating incorrectly on the statement report when the adjustment amount was entered twice in the payment details screen, turning the negative amount into a positive amount prior to posting the payment.
- Added and updated all 2017 Modifiers to SOAPware Clinical and Practice Management.
- Resolved an issue where the Send to Fax button for myHEALTHware was not appearing until the button was clicked twice.
- Resolved an issue where the New Chart date picker was automatically filling in dates.
- Resolved an issue where charts for patients with special characters in their last name (hyphens or spaces) were not pulling up when searching by last name.
- Made improvements to optimize performance when opening a chart.
- Resolved an error with the EPCS plugin auditing.
- Resolved an error that was occurring when opening Rx Manager when internet is not available. A message is added to the bottom of Rx Manager stating that "No internet is available, online services are not available."
- Resolved an issue where searching for medications in Rx Manager was not displaying all medications that were available.
- Resolved an issue where the "preferred name" was not properly updating on the chart tab.
- Resolved an issue that was occurring when exporting orders via HL7. Some CPT codes were causing an error and were not allowing the HL7 ORM to be exported.
- Resolved an error that was occurring in HL7 when attempting to create a new chart.
- Resolved an issue where the SOAPware auto updater utility was not setting the large heap memory.
- Made improvements to ePrescribing outdated medications to make the workflow smoother and backwards compatible with old medication items.
Practice Management:
- Resolved an issue that was occurring when manually creating a claim where users were receiving the message that they have unsaved data at inappropriate times.
- Resolved an issue that was occurring when a claim had an auto-remit payment posted to it that had been previously posted and the claim was rebuilt and submitted, it was keeping all previous adjustment codes on the CAS line.
- Resolved an issue where Flow Sheets were not printing properly when using some of the available flow sheet templates.
- Resolved an issue where the header was not printing at the top of a superbill when printed from the chart.
- Resolved an issue where a "SMARTflow Exception" was occasionally occurring when signing off on a SOAP Note.
- Resolved an issue where Document Designer was not pulling the PM balance totals correctly.
- Resolved an issue where scheduled medications were printing duplicate prescriptions if there were Rx errors (DEA not valid/Address not valid, etc.) in Rx Manager.
- Resolved an issue where the "Denied New Rx to Follow" status was being held on a medication when the medication had been moved to the Summary.
- Resolved an issue where an error is received when clicking on a medication/SMARText item when the users workstation does not have access to the internet.
- Resolved an issue where an error is received when signing off on a chart when the users workstation does not have access to the internet.
- Resolved an issue where updating SMARText using the "light bulb" button in the SMARText Items Manager was removing all of the keywords from Rx Items.
- Resolved an issue where SOAPware was not allowing the user to ePrescribe a valid strength after choosing an invalid strength on a medication.
- Resolved an issue where the eRx state level drug check was not happening when a non-provider user was submitting a medication.
- Resolved an issue where the #$Orders$# Document Designer command was printing the last order if no orders were present in the selected document.
- Resolved an issue where certain compound medications were receiving an error in Rx Manager.
- Resolved an issue where certain medications were missing strengths when they were a powder.
- Resolved an issue where users were receiving messages stating medications had an invalid NDC code when attempting to ePrescribe.
Practice Management
- Resolved an issue where "Show All" was not defaulting in the Post Insurance Payments screen.
- Improved performance when opening the Insurance Payment Posting screen.
- Resolved an issue where the PM "End of Day" report was not being sorted in alphabetical order.
- Resolved an issue where the PM "Payment Summary" report is showing checks incorrectly.
- Resolved an issue where the claim status was staying as "Submitted" instead of "Processed/Patient Responsibility" if there was no secondary policy on file for the patient.
- Resolved an issue where the user was receiving an error message when attempting to print the patient Demographics from the Patient Account.
- Resolved an issue where modifiers were displaying in reverse order in the New Charges tab.
- Resolved an issue where matching a split claim wasn't displaying the details correctly.
- Resolved an issue where the claims scrubber was still rejecting a claim after a referring provider had been deleted from the claim.
- Resolved an issue with Secondary Electronic claims processing where some charges were being doubled on the secondary electronic claim file, which was causing the remit to not balance.
myHEALTHware Integration
- Resolved an issue where SOAPware was not downloading documents other than PDFs into the patient chart. With this release, SOAPware will be able to download other file types, such as .jpg, .xlsx, .csv, and more!
- Resolved an issue that was occurring when importing files through SOAPwareXchange. In some instances the date of birth in the insurance policy was incorrectly listed as the date the file was processed.
- Resolved an issue where SOAPwareXchange was no longer referencing the soapware_docsexchange_patientmaps table as part of the matching algorithm.
- Resolved an issue where SOAPwareXchange was not allowing the user to enable or disable the Auto Create Charts feature.
- Added a new OBR-24 field in SOAPwareXchange HL7 to indicate lab or radiology orders.
- Made modifications to the HL7 ORM message for the DG1 segment to include several new data elements.
Practice Management
- Resolved an issue with viewing the Patient Account when the user had their computer resolution zoomed/magnified.
- Resolved an issue with printing extra blank pages in between some patient statements.
- Resolved an issue where payments and adjustments were not always showing on statements after posting insurance payments.
- Resolved an issue where credit balances were pulling over old adjustments and calculating incorrectly causing incorrect information on the patient statements.
- Resolved performance issues with generating a single patient statement or batch printing of statements.
- Resolved performance issues that were occurring when trying to open the patient detail after matching a patient.
- Resolved an error that some users were experiencing while trying to run the A/R Patient Report.
- Resolved an error that some users were experiencing while trying to run the End of Month or End of Year Reports.
- Resolved an issue with the Clinical Quality Measure (CQM) exported report.
- Resolved an error that was occurring in some cases when the user attempted to relate an order to a result and/or move the order to history.
- Resolved an issue where the task item for an Order was not being deleted when the Order was deleted.
- Resolved an issue that was not allowing the user to delete lot numbers on immunizations.
- Resolved an issue where entering a shortcut code in the Labs section was leaving extra characters.
- Resolved an issue where labs were transferring with incorrect dates when transferred to a Flow Sheet.
- Resolved an issue with inserting a template into the Radiology section.
- Resolved an issue with the PID-13 field when exporting an immunization file (HL7 VXU) from SOAPware.
- Resolved an error that was occurring when attempting to export a PDF in Share Charts where the image in the PDF was rotated in an external viewing software.
- Resolved an issue where Share Charts was failing to export Rich Text, Pen Entry, or Exclusion documents.
- Resolved an error that was occurring when attempting to export a PDF in Share Charts that is password protected.
- Resolved an issue where SOAPware would intermittently freeze when attempting to perform a web call related to medications entered in the SOAP Note.
- Resolved an issue with Custom Reporting where it was not displaying properly for some users when expanding the Insurance section.
- Resolved an issue where a NADEAN number entered for a Rx is being automatically reset after closing an reopening a chart.
- Improved memory performance when editing multiple SMARText items in SMARText Items Manager.
- Improved memory performance when working in the Summary document.
- Resolved an error that was occurring when attempting to create a new chart while matching a patient in SOAPwareXchange HL7.
Practice Management
- Resolved an issue where the payment details and payer name along with the claims details were not displaying in the Insurance Payment Details screen when a remit is posted twice.
- Resolved an issue where the box #1 insurance payment type was not working properly for secondary paper claims.
- Resolved an issue where the Billing Data Items in Document Designer where reporting incorrect data.
- Resolved an issue where Custom Reporting was not pulling in any custom adjustments.
- Resolved an error that was occurring intermittently when downloading remits.
- Resolved an issue where the Payment Summary report was combining manual remits with electronically posted remit totals.
- Modified the Insurance Payment Analysis report to generate by Payer ID.
- Modified the Charge Details so that payments will be listed with a more descriptive name (ex: rather than "Payment", it will be listed as "Aetna Payment", or "LName, FName A.", etc.)
- Modified the End of Day Report to allow the user to select a date range and have the option to run the report by either Post Date or Date of Service.
- Modified the Total Adjustment to include adjustment group CO and code 161, 246, and 237 when returned as processed as primary claim.
- Resolved an error and improved performance when generating statements.
- Improved memory performance when working in the patient account, Claims tab, and viewing a payment within the Charge Details window on multiple patients.
myHEALTHware Integration
- Resolved an issue with viewing a fax while using myHEALTHware inside of the SOAPware iframe.
- Resolved an issue with the printing margins being too wide when print scanned and/or imported documents.
- Resolved an error that was occurring with SOAPwareXchangeHL7 and preventing HL7 messages from processing until the error was closed.
- Resolved an issue that was causing data inserted into the Care Plan pick list to be omitted from the CCDA when printed or sent electronically.
- Resolved an issue with adding notes to pharmacy on EPCS refill requests.
- Resolved an issue with SOAPwareXchange Summary import.
- Resolved an issue with lab data uploading to myHEALTHware prior to being signed off by the clinician.
- Resolved an issue with Rx Manager failing to synchronize when multi-select lists are used.
- Resolved an out of memory error that was occurring when attempting to export a large amount of chart data in Share Charts.
Practice Management
- Removed the option to File Secondary-Electronic option in Insurance Payment Posting if patient has no secondary policy
- Resolved issue with ICD type defaulting to ICD 9 when patient is self pay
- Resolved issue with Insurance Adjustments displaying in patient ledger without a Post Date when a payment is un-posted
- Resolved issue with un-posted remits calculating into claim balance in ledger
- Resolved issue with CARC and Remark Code Maintenance when adding a note to codes
- Resolved issue with Insured’s demographics changing back to information in General demographics tab when edited
- Resolved issue with adjustment amounts not changing when allowed amount is edited in Insurance Payment Posting
- This release contains a resolution to the QRDA III file that is exported for SOAPware Clinical Quality Measures in order to allow the file to successfully pass the PQRS validation tool for the PQRS Direct EHR Reporting method.
IMPORTANT UPDATE NEWS: This update contains 3 database updates related to Meaningful Use that could take an hour or longer to complete for some clinic sites. We recommend backing up your database and installing this update during non-office hours to avoid any interruptions in your clinic workflow.
Clinical and Practice Management
- Resolved an issue that was occurring with the ePrescribing MU measure.
- Resolved an issue that was occurring with the SNOMED code related to CQM NQF 0418: Preventive Care and Screening: Screening for Clinical Depression and Follow up Plan.
- Added the new 2016 CPT/HCPCS codes and modifiers to the Cloud Library and SOAPware PM systems.
- Resolved an issue with the Date Changed and Status sub-item automatically populating when a new Diagnosis is inserted.
- Resolved an issue with the docutainer date changing when cursor is in the upper splitter bar and user uses the scroll wheel on the mouse.
- Resolved an issue where an error appeared when trying to submit a EPCS med that requires a NADEAN number.
- Resolved an issue with the CCDA not recognizing ICD-10 codes entered into the Active Problems field.
- Resolved issue with Citizen ID field not holding the value entered.
- Resolved an error that was received when attempting to post a billing statement that contains a diagnosis with a header longer than 100 characters.
- Resolved an issue where the ICD setting was defaulting to ICD-9 for patients who did not have insurance recorded.
- Resolved an issue with SOAPware sending too many database connection requests.
Practice Management
- Improved performance with Claims Manager.
- Resolved an issue with the claim balance showing in Claims Manager instead of the amount billed.
- Resolved an issue with custom charges pulling on to paper and electronic claims.
- Resolved an issue where the patient insurance policy was pulling a different patient name.
- Resolved an error that occurred when saving the Insurance tab from insurance payment posting.
- Resolved an issue where payments and adjustments are included in the file when resubmitting primary claims.
Practice Management
- Improves the performance in Claims Manager on the Practice Management side of SOAPware.
- Resolved issue that was occurring with Timely Online Access MU measure.
- Resolved issue with data inclusion in QRDA file.
- Resolved an error that was occurring when attempting to open the consult report chart section, in certain situations.
- Resolved an issue with eRx that was occurring when using the "Deny New Rx to Follow" action on refill requests.
- Resolved an error that was displaying for previous online medication history items.
- Require a NADEAN number when attempting to EPCS Subutex.
- Resolved an error that was occurring when Xchange was run on a Windows 7 computer without running it as administrator.
- Resolved an error that was occurring in some situations when attempting to remove an order from Order Manager.
- Resolved an error that was received when checking a sub-item in the ST Quick Access after signing off a note.
- Resolved an issue with myHEALTHware staff member roles displaying during patient invitation process.
- Improved performance when user is logging in to SOAPware.
- Improved SOAPware's use of memory.
- Improved user interface for recording immunization lot numbers.
- Added a feature to prevent users from uploading customized diagnoses items to the cloud library.
Practice Management
- Resolved issue with Carrier A/R report. Current Pending Scrub claims were getting placed in the 120+ days aging column. They are now in Current aging.
- Resolved issue with the scrubber not rejecting claims when there are mixed ICD types present.
- Resolved issue with charges showing in reverse order in New Charges tab and Ledger.
- Resolved an error that was occurring when selecting a previous encounter to view in the View > Previous Encounters window.
- Resolved an issue with an incorrect signature line and topic being added to a MHW conversation in Order Manager when sending an order and not a care summary.
- Resolved an issue with the Handout sub-item being improperly inserted when submitting a medication through Rx Manager.
- Resolved an error that was occurring after submitting a controlled medication after removing unused items in the SOAP Note.
- Resolved an issue with the Submit button being grayed out in Rx Manager for certain situations.
- Resolved an issue with the Meaningful Use 2014 Dashboard snapshot getting stuck in "Initializing".
- Resolved an issue with the EPCS registration screen not appearing for newly licensed clinicians.
Practice Management
- Resolved issue with Statement files rejecting for zero balance in Family Billing
- Resolved issue with Cancel not working when adding a custom charge from the Ledger tab
- Resolved issue with printing receipt from ledger for visits with zero balances
- Resolved issue with visits listing out of order and Disburse button not applying payments to oldest outstanding visit in Make Payment dialog
- Resolved filtering issue with the Patient A/R Report. Filter the report to print only Patient A/R by age or Insurance A/R by age.
- EPCS: If an invalid NDC number is found on a controlled medication, the medication cannot be sent by EPCS. If SOAPware detects an invalid NDC, the medication will be marked with an error indicating that the "selected drug/strength is not currently supported for EPCS."
- EPCS: Resolved an issue with the EPCS activation screen reappearing when user settings have been cleared.
- Rx Manager: Resolved an issue with the "Copy not valid for dispensing" message displaying on medication that had been copied or refilled from another section of the patient chart.
- myHEALTHware Integration: Resolved an issue with incorrect information being displayed when the user hovered over the myHEALTHware icon in the patient chart.
- myHEALTHware Integration: Resolved an issue where the myHEALTHware icon on the patients chart was disappearing in certain situations.
- Resolved memory leaks that were occurring in Rx Manager after extended use.
- Resolved an unhandled task exception that was occurring when changing the pharmacy in Rx Manager when the users internet is running slow.
- Meaningful Use: Resolved an issue with Summary of Care measure 2 calculation.
- Meaningful Use: Resolved an issue with Secure Messaging calculation.
- Meaningful Use: Resolved an issue with CQM 0036 calculation.
- Resolved an issue that was occurring with Rx Manager in Server 2008.
- Resolved an error that was occurring when attempting to export Flow Sheet data through Share Charts.
- Resolved an issue with printing row headers on flow sheets.
- Resolved an issue with printing growth charts.
- Resolved an error that was occurring when a patients demographic title exceeded character limits.
- Resolved an error that was occurring when running several SMARTreports in sequence.
- Resolved an issue with merging two medications that are the same medication with different strengths.
- Made corrections to prevent the users custom settings from being lost in certain situations.
Practice Management
- Resolved an issue where applying a payment to more than one charge in the New Charges tab was displaying as if the total payment amount is being paid for each line.
- Resolved an issue where statements were printing when there is not a balance owed by the patient if you specify a minimum balance.
- Resolved an issue with the patient summary report showing invalid payment amounts on unposted remits.
- Resolved an issue with https image links in textual HL7 reports.
- Resolved an error that was occurring when attempting to export a chart using Share Charts.
- Resolved an issue with the SOAPware login screen allows the user to attempt to login prior to the Login button becoming active.
- Resolved an issue that was occurring in the HL7 VXU message for immunization in the PID-13 field.
- Resolved an issue with eRx eligibility requests when the date returned is February 29th.
- Updated version number on SOAPwareXchange, SOAPwareXchange HL7, HL7 Remote Management Utility, QueueManager, eRx Monitor, Patient Loader, and Data Converter.
- Resolved an issue with the myHEALTHware Update to Premium button.
- Resolved an unhandled task exception that was occurring in specific situations.
- Resolved an out of memory error that was occurring in specific situations.
- Resolved a medication memory leak that was occurring after opening several charts.
- Resolved an error that was occurring when transferring an immunization to the Order Manager History tab.
- Resolved an error that was occurring when attempting to click the Refill button in the Rx Manager History tab after adding medications from the Medications tab.
Practice Management
- Resolved an issue with charge balances in Make Payment dialog when applying payments in Ledger and New Charges tab.
- Resolved an issue with Claims scrubber not rejecting for missing provider NPI.
- Resolved an issue with Taxonomy not populating 5010 file if payer is secondary.
- Resolved an issue with Referring provider name not populating 5010 file if payer is secondary.
- Resolved an issue with Rendering provider name not populating 5010 file if payer is secondary.
- Resolved an issue with NDC and CLIA numbers getting dropped from CPT & HCPCS Maintenance during updates.
- Resolved an issue opening charge details from Insurance Payment Posting.
- Resolved an issue downloading ICD codes to Billing Maintenance.
- Resolved an error that was occurring while trying to open a Claims tab when the patient had claims in an open remit.
- Resolved an issue with adjustment Description not showing in Patient Ledger or Adjustment Details from the Ledger.
- Resolved the issue with adjustments not re-posting when a 7.0.5xxx and older remit is un-posted after installing the 7.0.6xxx release. Editing for older remits can be adjusted from the ledger.
- Resolved an issue with zero amount insurance payments not printing on Patient Statements.
*Please note: This version of SOAPware contains database updates that may take an extended amount of time to complete. We recommend securing a recent backup of your data prior to installing. We also recommend installing this update during non-office hours to avoid any interruptions in your clinic workflow.
- Resolved a error that was occurring on some sites when running the database updates while installing 7.0.6065.
- Resolved a null date issue in the More Info tab that was occurring for sites in time zones other then Central Standard time.
- Resolved performance issue when loading claims and loading ledgers.
- Resolved an issue with sending order document designs in Order Manager using the Send to myHEALTHware button.
- Resolved an issue with generating QRDAI documents for patient's who have encounters that contain obsolete order entry items.
- Resolved an issue with the myHEALTHware Resend Invitation screen for patient's who had not accepted an invitation at the time of version upgrade.
- Resolved an issue with SOAPware Billing truncating units that end in zeros.
- Removed decimals in the diagnosis codes for CMS 1500 claim forms.
- Resolved an error that was occurring when opening the All Pending Orders dialog.
- Removed functionality that prompted the user to delete the task item when the delete key was pressed while the cursor was in the task Description field.
- Improved performance with myHEALTHware API.
- Resolved a potential problem with the Patient Electronic Access - Timely Online Access MU measure.
- Redesign new conversation window.
- Resolved performance issues in 7.0.5071.
- Resolved issue that was preventing use of SOAPware if myHEALTHware went offline.
Meaningful Use:
- Resolved a issue with the Patient Electronic Access - Timely Online Access calculation when the patient had be re-invited to enroll in myHEALTHware.
- Resolved an issue with Patient Electronic Access - View, Download, and Transmit.
- Resolved an error that was occurring when attempting to export a MU Patient Detail report on some databases.
- Resolved an error that was occurring when running a SMARTreport, including the Patient Reminders SMARTreports.
- Resolved an error that was occurring with clinical summaries occasionally not uploading to the patient's myHEALTHware account.
myHEALTHware Integration
- Modified the SOAPware API calls to retrieve Contacts from myHEALTHware and resolve an issue that was occurring when sending a Care Summary electronically through Order Manager.
- Modified the time out settings for uploading the patient's care summary to myHEALTHware.
SMARText/Practice Management
- Loaded the new 2014 HCPCS and CPT modifiers that are necessary beginning January 1, 2015.
Meaningful Use:
- Fixed an issue with the Reason for Referral not properly displaying on the Care Summary (C-CDA document).
- Resolved an error that was occasionally occurring when printing a clinical summary.
- Resolved an error that was occasionally occurring when exporting a QRDA I.
- Fixed an issue with the Meaningful Use Patient Dashboard not saving the green check for Patient Education and Clinical Summaries.
- Fixed an issue with the Meaningful Use Patient Detail report that was preventing the report from display the patients first name.
- Added a feature that will include an encounter in the CQM calculations based on time of sign off.
- Fixed an issue where the SMARText Designer was not displaying the sub-items for some SMARText Items.
- Fixed an issue with the Onset Date reverting to the current day when it was copied or transferred from one field to another.
- Added a feature to include the SNOMED code with related Dx's.
- Fixed an issue with the incorrect Order Status being displayed for some lab reports that are processed through SOAPwareXchangeHL7.
- Fixed an issue with the quantity not saving when a refill request is processed
myHEALTHware Integration:
- Removed the functionality for the version 1 patient portal.
- Activated myHEALTHware for all users.
Performance Improvements:
- SOAPware has improved the speed to opening the program, logging in, displaying charts, refiling charts, and working in Rx Manager. In addition, we have resolved several errors, including ‘out of memory’ errors in SOAPware.
- Resolved a potential Meaningful Use issue.
Rx Manager
- Resolved an issue with the pharmacy not saving in Rx Manager.
Order Manager
- Resolved a redraw issue when inserting an order or immunization into Order Manager.
- Resolved an issue with the SMARTflow not displaying for the Prescriber Authentication Report.
myHEALTHware Integration
- Resolved an issue with the CAPTCHA dialog not displaying in the myHEALTHware setup wizard.
Immunization Registries Set Up
- Resolved an issue with the Manage Groups dialog not being available to users who do not have a license to SOAPware Practice Management.
Meaningful Use
- Resolved an issue with the required threshold displaying incorrectly for Stage 1 Patient Electronic Access.
- Resolved a potential security issue with the myHEALTHware and SOAPware integration.
Clinical Summaries
- Limited the data included on a printed clinical summary to include only the Summary and last SOAP note information on History of Encounters and Procedures. In addition, Vital Signs and Labs were limited to include only the past 30 days from the date of the SOAP note.
- The "Print Care Summary" item on the MU Patient Dashboard has been renamed to "Print Clinical Summaries".
- Resolved Clinical Summaries calculation for 1 business day (1 business day is 11:59 PM the following day, provided it’s not a weekend or holiday).
Meaningful Use Dashboard
- The Update Statistics button was removed from the 2011 Meaningful Use Dashboard.
- Added the SOAPware logo to the top of the exported Meaningful Use Dashboard report.
- Added EP compliance percentage to the exported Meaningful Use Dashboard report.
- Resolved ePrescribing calculation for Stage 1 when auto formulary is unchecked.
- Resolved calculation for Summary of Care when cancel is selected.
Meaningful Use Patient Dashboard
- Renamed the "Orders Placed Outside the EHR" tab to "Number of Orders Placed Outside the EHR". Added a watermark of "0-99" to each section to indicate numerical data is needed.
myHEALTHware/SOAPware Integration
- Moved the myHEALTHware icon to the left side of the chart tab.
- Improved the selection of recipients in Order Manager when sending an order or care summary electronically.
- Resolved myHEALTHware error when sending as organization.
- Edited the Resolved sub-item to automatically display in the Inactive Problems field.
- Edited the Resolved Dx sub-item to automatically fill out the resolved date when a diagnosis is marked as resolved in the Active Problems field.
- Resolved Database update error when a site doesn’t have any SMARText items to mark as obsolete.
Rx Manager
- Added a Check Eligibility button into Rx Manager to allow users to manually check a patients Rx eligibility.
- Improved the Rx Manager to not reload and refresh the screen when a new medication is added.
- Resolved several SureScripts errors for invalid comments, forms and strengths when submitting new eRx’s.
- Resolved SureScripts error when the telephone number on refill requests is missing.
Security Administration and Security Manager
- Added audit capability for when document designs are printed.
- Added security setting for selecting the providers stage in the Meaningful Use Dashboard (2014).
- Resolved error when searching in Security Manager.
- Improved performance and SOAPware freezing issues.
- Resolved redrawing issue with SMARText medication items.
- Condensed and Simplified the Trigger List in SMARTflows.
- Added the ability for SMARTflows to be able to check the active encounter only.
- Simplified the Do area of SMARTflows in When-Check-Do Flows.
- Added the ability to insert SMARText items as part of a SMARTflow.
- Added the ability to create stand-alone, colored alerts.
- No longer listing 1/1/1 on SMARTreports when a patient does not have a date of birth
- Resolved issue with running a SMARTsearch immediately after editing them
- Resolved Patient Dashboard Vital Signs exception that would occur if a patient did not have the Vitals document
- Improved performance of SMARTflow checks
- Automatically set the Radiology document Type to "Image w/Narrative" when a link is included in the imported HL7 file.
- Added the ability to print, export, and send a copy for imported CCDA's.
- Exclusion export the current docutainer date and time for Meaningful Use calculations.
- Resolved an issue with HL7 document title to show all the test names when multiple titles are received.
- Resolved an issue with units exporting correctly for superbills.
- Resolved CCDA generation error when a summary document is not created.
- Improved SMARTflow performance
Web Services
- Improved performance with the formulary web service.
- Several improvements made to SOAPware formulary calls.
Vital Signs
- Resolved an issue with BMI calculation being off by one or two decimal points.
Welch Allyn
- Resolved an issue with Welch Allyn SDK not being properly deployed with the SOAPware installer.
Vital Signs
- Resolved an error that was occurring when entering a head circumference using the metric unit system.
Practice Management
- Resolved an issue with text printing outside of the margins on the CMS 1500 form when printed from the Claims Manager and Patient Account Claims tabs.
- Resolved an issue with dates displaying as 01/01/0001 in the date of injury, illness and other dates on the CMS 1500 form.