Plan Entry
The Plan field is for recording office visit CPT codes as well as any labs, radiology, or referrals that may be ordered for the patient. For Meaningful Use, orders must be placed through the order manager then they are automatically inserted into the Plan field. Another MU requirement is to provide the patient educational materials, and this should also be documented in the Plan field using the workflow described below.
Office Visit Codes

The SMARText CPT codes related to patient visits, must be entered into the Plan field, in order to calculate Clinical Quality Measures (CQMs).
To find the appropriate SMARText Item type, (ie: an office visit code), press Shift F11, then double click on the appropriate ST Plan Item.

Sub-Items, such as Related Dxs, Modifiers, and Performed date, are included with every SMARText CPT SMARText item by default. These may be required for billing purposes. Click on each sub-item to view/select from the choices listed within the SMARText Quick Access window. Please refer to the following link for more information: Set Structured CPT Options.
Lab Tests

Entering lab tests through Order Manager will automatically insert the test, along with the CPT code and other selected sub-items, into the Plan field of the SOAP note. For more information, please see: Placing Orders in Order Manager.
Even when labs are performed in-house, SOAPware recommends submitting the lab through Order Manager to document for Meaningful Use.
Radiology Orders

Entering radiology orders through Order Manager will automatically insert the order, along with the CPT code and other selected sub-items, into the Plan field of the SOAP note. For more information, please see: Placing Orders in Order Manager.
Referral Orders

Referrals entered through Order Manager will automatically be inserted into the Plan field of the SOAP note, along with selected sub-items. Please reference the following link from the Meaningful Use Resource Center, for more information: Health Information Exchange.

Immunizations entered through Order Manager will automatically be inserted into the Plan field of the SOAP note, along with selected sub-items. For more information, please see: Placing Orders for Immunizations in Order Manager.
The Plan field is also where the user may choose to include patient handouts. To learn more about creating and using handouts, please see: Selecting Handouts Automatically.