Medication Entry

The Medication Field is for recording only those medications that are being prescribed on the date of the encounter. These will be automatically transferred to the Rx Manager for e-prescribing or printing.

Search for Medications

Search for Medications

To enter a medication into the SOAP note Medications field, click in the Medication field and type a keyword (ie: Diovan) then press either F11 or Shift+F11 to search for the medication.

To select one of the medication items, double click on the medication to insert.

Medication Sub-Items

Medication Sub-Items

All SMARText Items, including Medication SMARText Items, have sub-items that can be changed.

The above medication has numerous sub-items that are currently displayed in the SOAP note Medications field.

Editing Sub-Items

Editing Sub-Items

Each of the sub-items can be clicked on.  When clicked, additional options will be presented within the SMARText Quick Access window.

In the example display above, to select a dispense amount:

  1. Click on the Dispense sub-item.
  2. Select a numerical dispense number using the number picker (ie: 60).
  3. Choose the units (ie: tablets, capsules, etc.).

The dose, frequency and route sub-items are grouped together in a header called SIG.  Custom SIGs can be created if the desired structured dose, frequency and route items do not exist.  For more information on how to create custom SIGs, see: Custom SIGs.


Once a medication has been inserted into the SOAP note Medications field, it can then be ePrescribed, faxed or printed through Rx Manager.  To learn more about the Rx Manager, see: Intro to Rx Manager and Refills.

Drug Courses

The user can also save courses of drugs that he/she prescribe often. This will speed things up when the user wants to prescribe one of these courses so that the strength, dose, frequency, etc. is already set up the way the user would need it to be. To learn about how to set these up, see: Drug Course Creation.