SOAPwareXchange Technical Specifications & Instructions
What is SOAPwareXchange?
SOAPwareXchange is an add-on module for SOAPware® that allows communication between SOAPware® and other systems. SOAPwareXchange was specifically designed for Patient Management System integrations, but can also accept other types of information, like lab reports and patient encounters*.
SOAPwareXchange allows other systems to automatically update SOAPware® when new demographic or insurance information is entered. It can import an entire chart, including the summary and Soap note portions. It can even update custom demographic fields.*
SOAPwareXchange can also automatically queue patients in SOAPware® when they check in, saving the medical professional the trouble of searching through Chart Rack to find them. If desired, it can automatically create a new encounter at this time.*
SOAPwareXchange can send back superbill information for patient encounters, including CPT and diagnosis codes, significantly reducing paperwork.*
*Note--Not all interfacing systems support all the features of SOAPwareXchange.
How does SOAPwareXchange work?
SOAPwareXchange uses a simple directory structure to communicate with other systems. SOAPwareXchange maintains five directories; an "In" directory, an "Out" directory, an "Error" directory, a "Working" directory, and a "Debug" directory. These directories are always located in the same directory as the SOAPwareXchange program.
SOAPwareXchange, at its simplest, operates in a two-step loop. It scans the "In" directory for new material to process, and then it checks the SOAPware® command queue for new material to process. After a file has been processed, SOAPwareXchange deletes it.
Whenever SOAPwareXchange encounters a file it cannot process, it places the entire file into the "Error" directory and displays the appropriate notification.
So all that is necessary to interface with SOAPware® is exporting a simple text file in the proper format, and depositing it in the specified "In" directory. When SOAPwareXchange has new information (such as a superbill) for the other system, it will build the appropriate file and place it in the "Out" directory.
It is important to remember that simply installing SOAPwareXchange is not enough to establish an interface. SOAPwareXchange is only the SOAPware® half of the interface. System vendors must supply software to enable their systems to export the proper text files and make use of the information SOAPwareXchange provides.
Getting Started
Installing SOAPwareXchange
SOAPwareXchange has the same hardware and operating system requirements as SOAPware®. SOAPware® must be installed on the machine before you install SOAPwareXchange.
When you start SOAPwareXchange, you will need to log in. Be sure to log in to SOAPwareXchange with a SOAPware® user whom has sufficient permissions to create and modify charts.
Program Operation - Settings Menu

The Doctor ID Map is used to map external Doctor ID’s to the ID’s used internally by SOAPware. The Doctor ID Map is an essential part of a smoothly operating integration.
The SOAPware® side of the Doctor ID Map is taken care of automatically when you select the physician’s name; the tricky part of setting up the map is determining the values to use for External ID and Billing System. When in doubt, you can look at the export files produced by the billing/scheduling system to determine these values according to the following table:

To add a new entry to the map-
1. Click on the “New Map” button.
2. Select the doctor’s name from the first list box, then type in the external ID and the billing system ID.
3. Click on OK to accept the changes, or Cancel to discard them.
To edit an existing map –
1. Click on the doctor’s name in the entry you wish to modify, and click on “Edit”. The Change ID box will appear. In this box are the current billing system and external ID.
2. Change either or both of them, and click OK to accept or Cancel to discard.
To delete a Doctor ID map –
1. Click on the doctor’s name and click “Delete”.
Patient Identifiers
SOAPware® uses a Globally Unique Identifier to internally identify patients. This ID is guaranteed unique in the world and, once assigned, will never change for a given data item and never be reused.
A SOAPware® ID looks like the following: 12158761-6ED3-11D0-89FD-00C0F00A2A2E
We realize that not every system will be able to accommodate such a large ID, and that most systems use a much simpler ID based on incrementing a number each time a record is added to the system. Auto-increment ID's work fine in stand-alone systems, but often fail when scaled to the multi-vendor/multi-site implementations SOAPware® is designed for.
For this reason SOAPwareXchange maintains patient ID maps. The map tracks the external system ID, the external ID for the patient, and our internal ID for the patient.
When importing data, SOAPwareXchange uses a sophisticated matching algorithm to match incoming records with SOAPware® patients. The algorithm is shown below and should be thoroughly understood before implementing an interface.
The Matching Algorithm
SOAPwareXchange uses the following algorithm to determine if a patient already exists in the SOAPware® databases or if one needs to be created. After an incoming record has been successfully matched to a SOAPware® patient, a record will be added to the patient ID map with the internal and external ID.
To ensure that patients match properly, always include the patient ID in the PID segment.
SOAPwareXchange attempts to match an external patient record to a SOAPware® patient via the following rules. The rules are considered in order. If a match is not found, the record will be queued or a new chart will be created in SOAPware® for the patient.
An incoming record will be considered to be a match to a SOAPware® patient if:
External ID is found in patient map, AND
Birthdate matches, OR
Last name matches
Social Security numbers match, AND
Birthdate matches, AND
Last name matches, AND
First name matches
Chart numbers match, AND
Birthdate matches, AND
Last name matches, AND
First name matches
First name and Last name matches, AND
Birthdate matches, AND
Sex matches
So a match can be made on
First Name AND Last Name AND Birthdate
Sex OR Chart Number OR Social Security Number
The SOAPwareXchange File Format
SOAPwareXchange uses standard ASCII files to transfer patient information. Each data item is delimited with a comma and each record is delimited with a Carriage Return-Line Feed combination.
To omit a data item, leave the corresponding field in the SOAPwareXchange file blank (it will appear as ,,) This will leave the data item as it is in the SOAPware® database. To empty a data item, put a single space in the corresponding field in the SOAPwareXchange file (it will appear as , ,) This will empty the data item in the SOAPware® database.
Each file can contain multiple patients. A SOAPwareXchange file has the following elements:
Record Header--This tells SOAPwareXchange whom is sending the file and includes optional error reporting information. This must appear as the first line of every file and is only included once per file.
Patient ID (PID)--This segment uniquely identifies a patient. Every import section begins with this segment. All subsequent data exchanges or requests in the file will use this patient until the end of the file is reached, or another Patient ID segment is encountered.
Exchange Section--This always follows the Patient ID section and explains what data is to be moved, or what events are to be triggered. This section may contain GDEM, IDEM, CDEM, CONS, CONT, SOAP, SUM, REP, CMDQUEUE, or CMDQUEUENEW segments.
Truncation--All fields that exceed the limit described in each section will be truncated to accomidate the limit and processed into SOAPware.
The general layout of a SOAPwareXchange file is:
Record Header <CR><LF>
Patient ID<CR><LF>
Exchange Section<CR><LF>
Patient ID<CR><LF>
Exchange Section<CR><LF>
Patient ID<CR><LF>
The Record Header
The Record Header that begins each file tells SOAPwareXchange the source of the data and any optional error tracking information. The Sender ID that begins each import file is assigned by the interfacing system vendor and once assigned, cannot change. Each system that sends information to SOAPware® must use a unique Sender ID. SOAPwareXchange uses the Sender ID to match external doctor and patient ID's to SOAPware® internal ID's.
Record Header Format
Sender ID (TEXT 36) (This is site defined—it should never be changed after its first use or the External ID mapping files will be invalid. Each system sending information to SOAPwareXchange must have a unique Sender ID)
(The following are site defined and are used to provide feedback in the event of an error)
Send Station (Optional)
Send Date (Optional) (YYYYMMDD)
Send Time (Optional) (HHMMSS)
Optional Description
Sample Record Header
BILL01,Station 1,19970120,145322,Optional text describing who/what/when/where<CR><LF>
Patient ID Format

Sample Patient ID Segment:
General Demographics Format

Marital Status Values:
I Single
M Married
S Separated
W Widowed
D Divorced
Sample General Demographics Segment:
GDEM,Doe,John,T,Mr,,111 South St.,Suite 1,Pittsburgh,PA,99999-0989,(999)999-...-88-7777,DrBob,2106-3,2186-3,en<CR><LF>
Custom Demographics Format

Insurance Policy Format

This segment creates an insurance policy for the patient identified in the PID segment. Multiple IPOL segments can appear in one file.
The Insurance Company Name is not transferred directly into the Insurance Company field in SOAPware®. Insurance Companies are entities defined in SOAPware® through the user interface. SOAPware® will look at the company phone number and zip code to attempt to match the incoming company to an entity already defined in SOAPware®. If the match is successful, then the company name will appear in the Insurance Company field of the Policy view in SOAPware®.
If the match is not successful, the company name will be imported as plain text into the Notes field of the Policy view.
SOAPwareXchange will attempt to match an incoming policy to an existing policy in the patient chart. If SOAPwareXchange finds an insurance policy in this patent's chart with the same policy number, it will consider it a match and update the existing policy. If not, it will create a new one.
Insured Relation Codes:
00 Self
01 Spouse
04 Grandfather or Grandmother
05 Grandson or Granddaughter
07 Nephew or Niece
09 Adopted Child
10 Foster Child
15 Ward
17 Stepson or Stepdaughter
19 Child
20 Employee
21 Unknown
22 Handicapped Dependent
23 Sponsored Dependent
24 Dependent of a Minor Dependent
29 Significant Other
32 Mother
33 Father
34 Other Adult
36 Emancipated Minor
39 Organ Donor
40 Cadaver Donor
41 Injured Plaintiff
43 Child Where Insured Has No Financial Responsibility
53 Life Partner
G8 Other Relationship
SOAPnote Format

Sample SOAPnote Segment
The patient describes being tense, on edge, tremulous, difficulty relaxing, tachycardia-palpitations, dyspnea.
GEN: Tense appearing, hypervigilant
Anxiety Syndrome (Tense or nervous) #300.00.
Avoid caffeine and plan for regular physical activity. Practice a relaxation exercise regularly as well.
Return if problems develop or worsen.
Chart Summary Format

The Summary format is complex. The Summary is necessarily a multi-line format, and special tags are used to delineate the sections of the encounter. Each tag must be on its own line, separated by a carriage return-line feed pair.
The first line in the Summary section only command to trigger a new summary document. The following sections contain the actual summary data.
Sample Chart Summary Segment:
Pain, neck #723.1.
Degenerative Disc Disease #722.6.
Hemorrhoids (piles) #455.6.
Weight loss #783.2.
Probable GERD, Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease (acid reflux) #530.81
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease #496.
Controlled Hypertension (high blood pressure) #401.9.
Fatigue #780.7.
Hematochezia (rectal bleeding) #569.3.
Hypertension (high blood pressure) #401.9.
Hematoma (collection of blood) #924.9.
Hemorrhoids (piles) #455.6.
Hernia, hiatal #553.3.
Mild Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (enlarged prostate) #600.
No history of any past major surgeries.
10/08/2000 - (Starter pack given) Cardura 4 mg. (Disp - #100) Take one daily or as directed (Refill - 3). (ID-d00726)
Monopril (Dose/Unit - 40 mg.) (Form - Tabs) (Disp - #100) (Frequency - One daily) (Route - By mouth) (Refills-1 year). (ID-d00242)
Combivent Inhaler (Generic - Albuterol/Ipratropium) (Disp - 1 Inhaler) (Frequency - 2 puffs every 6 hours) (Route - by mouth) (Refills-1 year). (ID-d04066)
Centrum Silver.
Theragran M (OTC) one daily.(ID-d03145T9697)
Vitamin C.(ID-12307)
Vitamin E.(ID-12301)
vitamin B
Baby Aspirin 81 mg. (OTC) Take one daily with food. (ID-d00170)
Folic Acid.
There is no known history of allergy to any medication. (ID-IGNORE)
Mother deceased at age 65 with cancer.
Father deceased at age 85 with cerebrovascular accident.
No colo-rectal cancers.
States that he quit smoking 5/97, had smoked for 55 years.
Denies the use of alcohol.
08/29/2000 cervical spine x-rays at the hospital with anterior subluxation of the C3-4 and C4-5 which appear degenerative in nature, degenerative disc disease at C5-6; hypertrophic osteophytes causing neuroforamenal narrowing bilaterally from C3-7.
08/29/2000 EKG within normal limits
12/08/1999: Sigmoidoscopy.
11/23/1999: PSA-1.4. GHP/Lipids- Chol-174, LDL-117, Otherwise, wnl. Mild variances- CO2-31.
Pneumovax, 03/13/1998.
1998: D-Tetanus.
1970s: upper gastrointestinal x-ray
Single, divorced, 3 children, retired.
GEN: Appear/General-Abn(-). VS: WT: 162#. T: 96.7. BP: 164/96.
HEENT: Dental plates in place. Oropharynx-Abn(-). EARS- Otoscopic-Abn(-). Ear-Nose/Appear-Abn(-). NOSE- Nose/Internal-Abn(-). EYES: Conjunctiva/Lids-Abn(-). Pupils/Irises-Abn(-).
NECK: Neck-Abn(-).
LUNGS: Lung/Auscultation-Abn(+) with slight, diffuse decreased breath sounds. Respirations-Abn(-).
HEART: Heart/Auscultation-Abn(-).
ABD: Abdomen-Mass/Tenderness-Abn(-). Liver/Spleen-Abn(-). Hernia-Abn(-).
<place w:st="on">GENT</place>: Anus/Perineum/Rectum-Abn(+), external hemorrhoids. Scrotal-Abn(-). Penis-Abn(-). Prostate-Abn(+) with-.- Prostate_Enlargement(+).- Prostate_Edema(-).- Prostate_Symmetry-Abn(-).- Prostate_Nodularity(-).- Prostate_Tenderness(-).
BJE: 1 cm. hematoma on right forearm with some surrounding ecchymosis.
NEURO: PSYCH: Insight/Judgement-Abn(-).
SKIN: Skin/Subcutaneous-Inspection-Abn(-). Mild acne/folliculitis on chest.
This command tells SOAPwareXchange to pull a patient's chart. This will place the patient's chart in the Pulled Charts list. The command must be followed by the attending physician's external ID, the same ID that would be sent in the GDEM segment.
This command tells SOAPwareXchange not only to pull the patient's chart, but also to create a new encounter for that patient. The created encounter will use the date and time at which the command was received. This command also requires the physician's external ID.
Reports Format

The following items must be separated by a carriage return-line feed pair, and will not be used for image-based reports.
The external doctor ID must match and exist in SOAPwareXchange.

Category Codes:
SWDF01 - History and Physical
SWDF02 - Lab
SWDF03 - Misc Report
SWDF04 - Printed Encouters
SWDF05 - Flow Sheets
SWDF07 - SOAP Notes
SWDF08 - Correspondence In
SWDF09 - Correspondence Out
SWDF10 - Radiology
SWDF11 - Pathology

SOAPwareXchange can receive contact information from other systems. The CONT segment contains this information.
Insurance Companies

SOAPwareXchange can create Insurance Company objects in SOAPware®. This segment is generally used to populate insurance company information in SOAPware® on initial deployment, before patient demographic information is sent.
In order to appropriately create insurance companies the Company Name, Zip, Phone, and External ID are required fields.
Balance Forward (Version 2010.2 and later)
The BFOR segment can transfer the patients Balance Forward from another system to SOAPware's billing system. The Balance Forward should be expressed in dollars, with no dollar sign.
Insurance Demographics Format (Outdated)

These segments were ported over directly from DOCSExchange version 4.0. They are provided in SOAPwareXchange version 5.0 for backward compatibility, but their use is not recommended.
Sending Information From SOAPware®
SOAPware® can be configured to send general demographics information, appointments, balance information and to post an electronic superbill. SOAPwareXchange can also do a batch export containing demographic information on all patients in SOAPware®.
Enabling the Out Directory
1) Select Outbox Settings on the SOAPwareXchange window
2) Enable data out from SOAPware® by placing a check mark next to the corresponding items
If you intend to send demographic or billing information back from SOAPware®, be sure to place the Sender ID in the box "Use this System ID for posting superbills". SOAPwareXchange will use this ID to look external IDs in the maps. This will enable SOAPwareXchange to send the other system its own IDs for patients and providers.
This system ID is the same as the sender ID in incoming files.
Superbill Format
The superbill in SOAPwareXchange 5.0 is offered in two formats: the classic format, and the new XML format.
Note that only superbills in XML will have the option to contain ICD-10 codes.
Superbill Classic

The doctor ID map and outbox settings are used to identify the proper external physician ID to return. If there is no doctor ID map or system ID specified, no physician ID will be returned.
The patient ID map and outbox settings are used to identify the proper external patient ID to return. If there is no patient ID map or system ID specified, no external patient ID will be returned.
Site codes are not used in SOAPware® 5.0, and the field is only retained to ensure backward compatibility.
Sample Classic Superbill:
SOAPware Export File,,,
Remarks section|
Assessment area|
ENCOUNTERDATE|01/01/2005 10:30 AM
XML Superbill

Beginning in SOAPwareXchange version 7.0.9057 a new feature was added which allows the user to indicate what type of ICD codes they wish to export with superbills; ICD-9 only or both ICD-9 and ICD-10. This new option is found in the Outbox Settings of SOAPwareXchange, as shown above.
Note that the option is only made available when both the “Post Superbill” and “Send Superbill in XML” options are selected. ICD-10 support is not offered with only the Post Superbill option, otherwise called Superbill Classic. The XML tags used differ also depending on what option is selected, as highlighted in the examples below.
Up to 4 related ICD codes may be associated with a single CPT code. Only one type, ICD-9 or ICD-10, may be related with a CPT code, not both.
The ICD-9 only option is presented to allow for backwards compatibility with systems who have not yet updated to accommodate the new feature and SOAPwareXchange specifications, and will eventually be removed after the ICD-10 deadline of Oct. 1, 2015.
In addition to changes in SOAPwareXchange, enhancements have been made to SOAPware which allow the user to choose dual-coded SMARText items that contain both ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes. A basic understanding of the ICD-10 Clinical Features may also prove useful.
Below you will find examples of XML superbills exported from SOAPwareXchange, based on specific circumstances. Note the differences in XML tags used with each.
Ex. 1: Xchange set to export ICD-9, ICD-9/ICD-10 SMARText (ST) item used, related = ICD-9
<ExternalID />
<ProviderID />
<VisitDate>8/27/2015 12:30 PM</VisitDate>
<Name>Family Clinic</Name>
<Street>123 Fourth St</Street>
<City>Some City</City>
<Description>OFFICE/OUTPATIENT VISIT EST</Description>
<ModifierList />
<Notes />
Ex. 2: Xchange set to export ICD-9, ICD-9/ICD-10 ST item used, related = ICD-10
<ExternalID />
<ProviderID />
<VisitDate>8/27/2015 12:30 PM</VisitDate>
<Name>Family Clinic</Name>
<Street>123 Fourth St</Street>
<City>Some City</City>
<Description>OFFICE/OUTPATIENT VISIT EST</Description>
<RelatedICDs />
<ModifierList />
<Notes />
Note that since the related ICD was an ICD-10 code but Xchange is set to only export ICD-9 codes, there is nothing contained in the related tag.
Ex. 3: Xchange set to export ICD-9/ICD-10, ICD-9/ICD-10 ST item used, related = ICD-9
<ExternalID />
<ProviderID />
<VisitDate>8/27/2015 12:30 PM</VisitDate>
<Name>Family Clinic</Name>
<Street>123 Fourth St</Street>
<City>Some City</City>
<Description>OFFICE/OUTPATIENT VISIT EST</Description>
<ModifierList />
<Notes />
Ex. 4: Xchange set to export ICD-9/ICD-10, ICD-9/ICD-10ST item used, related = ICD-10
<ExternalID />
<ProviderID />
<VisitDate>8/27/2015 12:30 PM</VisitDate>
<Name>Family Clinic</Name>
<Street>123 Fourth St</Street>
<City>Some City</City>
<Description>OFFICE/OUTPATIENT VISIT EST</Description>
<ModifierList />
<Notes />
PatientInfo--this block contains demographic data on the current patient. This block is the new equivalent of the GDEM segment. Data includes:
External Patient ID
SOAPware®'s internal patient ID
Last Name
First Name
Social Security Number
Chart Number
SuperbillInfo - this block contains the actual data of the superbill.
Segments in this block include:
--Provider ID--The external physician ID for this doctor, or SOAPware®'s internal physician ID if the external is not available.
--Visit Date--This is the date of service. It can be different from the date of file generation.
--Place of Service--A code representing the place of service. These codes are drawn from the official Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Place of Service Codes for Professional Claims:
01 Pharmacy
02 Unassigned
03 School
04 Homeless Shelter
05 Indian Health Service Free-standing Facility
06 Indian Health Service Provider-based Facility
07 Tribal 638 Free-standing Facility
08 Tribal 638 Provider-based Facility
09 Prison-Correctional Facility
10 Unassigned
11 Office
12 Home
13 Assisted Living
14 Group Home
15 <place w:st="on">Mobile</place> Unit
16 Temporary Lodging
17-19 Unassigned N/A
20 Urgent Care Facility
21 Inpatient Hospital
22 Outpatient Hospital
23 Emergency Room – Hospital
24 Ambulatory Surgical Center
25 Birthing Center
26 Military Treatment Facility
27-30 Unassigned
31 Skilled Nursing Facility
32 Nursing Facility
33 Custodial Care Facility
34 Hospice
35-40 Unassigned
41 Ambulance - Land
42 Ambulance – Air or Water
43-48 Unassigned
49 Independent Clinic
50 Federally Qualified <place w:st="on"><placename w:st="on">Health</placename> <placetype w:st="on">Center</placetype></place>
51 Inpatient Psychiatric Facility
52 Psychiatric Facility-Partial Hospitalization
53 Community Mental <place w:st="on"><placename w:st="on">Health</placename> <placetype w:st="on">Center</placetype></place>
54 Intermediate Care Facility/Mentally Retarded
55 Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Facility
56 Psychiatric Residential Treatment Center
57 Non-residential Substance Abuse Treatment Facility
58-59 Unassigned
60 Mass Immunization Center
61 Comprehensive Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility
62 Comprehensive Outpatient Rehabilitation Facility
63-64 Unassigned N/A
65 End-Stage Renal Disease Treatment Facility
66-70 Unassigned
71 Public Health Clinic
72 Rural Health Clinic
73-80 Unassigned
81 Independent Laboratory
82-98 Unassigned N/A
99 Other Place of Service
--ICDList--This block has a separate ICD field for each ICD code in the superbill.
--CPTItems--This block contains all the CPT codes present in the superbill, along with their modifiers and related ICD codes. A CPTItems block contains:
CPT code--the numeric CPT code
Description--a text description of the code
--RelatedICDs--a list of all ICD codes linked to this CPT code
--ModifierList--a list of all modifiers for this CPT code
--Plan Notes--The text of the Plan field of the encounter note
--Notes--any additional notes the SOAPware® user placed on this bill
Demographics Export From SOAPware®

You can export demographic information for all patients is SOAPware® using the Batch Export command available in the SOAPwareXchange File menu. This will export general demographic information in the format outlined above, and place the resulting file in the SOAPwareXchange Out folder. This feature is useful for initial population of a new billing/scheduling system.
The same format is used for sending demographics on a continual basis. Additionally, the insurance policy information will be exported using the same IPOL format above.
Values used for Race, Ethnicity and Language are based on CDC standards and may be provided upon request.
Unused Fields are blank, but included to preserve backward compatibility.
Marital Status Values:
I Single
M Married
S Separated
W Widowed
D Divorced
Appointments and Balance Export

Appointment information can be included with demographic exports when enabled in SOAPwareXchange in the Outbox Settings.

If the option to Send Appointments is enabled, the patients balance information will be exported as well. Each balance amount will be exported followed by the description of that balance.