SOAPwareXchange User Guide
In this lesson, a user will find a brief walk through for setting up and using SOAPwareXchange 2010+. For help installing, visit the install guide.
If you wish to learn more about SOAPwareXchange and its capabilities, visit the SOAPwareXchange Technical Specifications & Instructions
SOAPwareXchange Defined
SOAPwareXchange is an add-on module that allows communication between SOAPware and other systems. It is a bidirectional interface, meaning it will allow information to be imported from another system, such as a PMS or billing software, and allow information to be exported out of SOAPware to update other systems. Not all interfaces will utilize both sides of Xchange. Many will only be setup to allow information to import into SOAPware. The basic setup below shows how to get SOAPwareXchange ready to allow the import of information, but it will be necessary to read the entire article to setup Xchange to export information appropriately.
Basic Setup

The SOAPwareXchange must be open in order to process files. This requires you log in, just as you would with SOAPware. If you turn off the computer where the Xchange is located, you must open it again once the computer has been restarted.
*Note: SOAPwareXchange may be setup to auto-start by following the instructions here.
Set the Xchange folders

If this is the first time SOAPwareXchange has been installed, the default location will be set as it is above. The default location is C:\ProgramData\SOAPwareXchange. If you are updating the SOAPwareXchange and it has been installed previously, it will be set to the location used before.

You may also set the location where the Xchange folders are located manually by going to Settings > Set locations. There you can select the folder where it will build the directory for exchanging files.
Outbox Settings

The SOAPwareXchange Outbox Settings are for when you would like to send information from SOAPware to another system.
SOAPwareXchange can automatically send demographics and/or superbills to up to 3 different systems. If you will be exporting information out of SOAPware to another program, you will need to setup the Outbox Settings.
For each interface you may choose to:
- Post Superbills - This will send superbills in the legacy SOAPwareXchange format. For more information, see the SOAPwareXchange Tech Specs.*
- Send General Demographic Changes - Allows any demograpghics changes made in SOAPware to be sent to another system.
- Send Superbill in XML - This will send superbills in XML format. For more information, see the SOAPwareXchange Tech Specs.**
You should only select to "Send Superbill in XML" if you have confirmed that your PMS or third party vendor will accept this format.
By selecting the "Send Superbill in XML" option you can enable the ability to send both ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes in the superbill. By selecting this option if the appropriate ICD-10 item is recorded in the SOAPnote, SOAPwareXchange will export the ICD-10 code in exported superbills for consumption by the interfacing PM system.
- Send Appointments - This will send basic appointment information along with general demographics. Note that the option to Send General Demographic Changes must be selected in order for appointments to be exported.

The System ID is required to send information. It relates to the Sender ID from an inbound file and will be the first field in an inbound file.

The output path for each interface is displayed at the bottom of the outbox settings. This indicates where the files will be sent for the interfacing system to pick up.
Doctor ID Map

The Doctor ID Map is used to map external Doctor ID’s to the ID’s used internally by SOAPware.
To add a new entry to the map-
* Click on the “New Map” button.
* Select the doctor’s name from the first list box, then type in the external ID and the billing system ID.*
* Click on OK to accept the changes, or Cancel to discard them.
To edit an existing map –
* Click on the doctor’s name in the entry you wish to modify, and click on “Edit”. The Change ID box will appear. In this box are the current billing system and external ID.
* Change either or both of them, and click OK to accept or Cancel to discard.

*The System ID again relates to the Sender ID from an inbound file, and the External ID relates to the Provider ID.
This concludes the basic setup of SOAPwareXchange. You will need to contact your Practice Management software support to complete the setup.
The following information relates to more technical setup of SOAPwareXchange and may not be necessary for all users. The majority of this information can also be found in the SOAPwareXchange Technical Specifications & Instructions.
Other Settings

Here is a brief explanation of the settings menu.
Suspend Operation - Stops the Xchange from processing files.
Batch Export from SOAPware - Will perform a batch export of all patient demographics to a .csv file. *The Xchange will NOT currently export patient insurance via batch.
View/Edit Doctor ID Map - Allows you to add/modify doctor ID mappings. *Used for bidirectional interfaces.
Outbox Settings - Allows you to select what information will be exported from SOAPware. *Used for bidirectional interfaces.
Date Format - Allows you to select the expected format of dates sent from other systems. Typically this will remain YYYYMMDD.
Auto-Create Charts - When checked, allows the auto-creation of charts not already in SOAPware from other systems.
Empty Error Directory - Empties the Error directory, allowing you to identify recent errors easier.
Clear Patient ID Map - Clears all patient mappings from the SOAPware database.
Auto-Format Names - Allows the names in SOAPware to be formatted from your PMS/billing software.
Set Locations - Allows you to specify the location where files will be exchanged.
Scan Interval

The time it takes SOAPwareXchange to look for new files can be modified by adjusting the Scan Interval setting above. A minimum of 5 seconds is available, with a maximum of 30 seconds.
Error Message Level

Here you can indicate what type of messages SOAPwareXchange will display based on importance.
SOAPwareXchange Queue Manager

When you install the SOAPwareXchange, another utility called the SOAPwareXchange Queue Manager is also added. This utility allows you to modify unmatched patients and existing patient mappings.
- Map will allow you to match the selected name to an existing patient in SOAPware. This will create a Link between the patient in SOAPware & your PMS/Billing Integration.
- New Chart will create a new patient chart in SOAPware.
- Exclude will keep a patient chart from ever being created for the name you have selected and will not repopulate the queue.
- Remove will delete the selected name from the queue. The name may repopulate the queue if it is processed again by your PMS/Billing Integration.
- Close will close the Queue Manager program.
Error and Message Logging
The SOAPwareXchange will keep a log of all messages that are received from other programs. It will list the all actions taken with any message, errors received, and log the original message itself. The active log is stored in the same directory as the other SOAPwareXchange folders, by default is C:\ProgramData\SOAPwareXchange. Once a log reaches 1 mb in size, it will be moved to an archived folder and a new log created.

Additionally, all files or messages that are unable to be processed through SOAPwareXchange will be counted in the Errors in Messages section, as shown above. All files or messages that will not process will be logged in same sub-directory where the program logs are stored, by default at C:\ProgramData\SOAPwareXchange\Error.
Additional Settings

An option to share patient mappings with SOAPwareXchangeHL7 can be found under Advanced Settings. This function may be useful if you wish to import demographics through both applications from two different sources.