2014 Meaningful Use Patient Dashboard
The MU Patient Dashboard will display Meaningful Use objectives based on the EPs Stage selection (stage 1 or 2). For instructions on setting up Meaningful Use for all EPs in your clinic, please see: Meaningful Use Provider Setup.
2014 Meaningful Use Patient Dashboard for Stage 1

The Stage 1, 2014 MU Patient Dashboard will display several Meaningful Use objectives related to Stage 1 requirements. The above screenshot displays the Stage 1 MU Patient Dashboard.
The MU Patient Dashboard does not cover all Meaningful Use criteria. The requirements that are listed only include patient-specific criteria that can be calculated with a numerator and denominator. There are several additional Meaningful Use objectives that are not patient-specific and are not listed on this dashboard.
2014 Meaningful Use Patient Dashboard for Stage 2

The Stage 2, 2014 MU Patient Dashboard will display several Meaningful Use objectives related to Stage 2 requirements. The above screenshot displays the Stage 2 MU Patient Dashboard.