2014 Meaningful Use Dashboard
2014 Meaningful Use Dashboard
A new Meaningful Use Dashboard has been added for 2014 Stage 1 and Stage 2 calculations. The 2014 Meaningful Use Dashboard contains the following features:
- Provider Selection: Using the drop-down menu, select the provider that you wish to Export Statistics or program Provider Settings for.
- Meaningful Use Stage Selection: Select the appropriate stage for the selected Provider.
- Reporting Period Selection: Select the Reporting Period for which the selected provider plan to attest.
- Export Statistics: Click the Export Statistics drop-down menu to select the providers that you wish to export statistics for. Clicking the Export Statistics will begin the export process.
Export Statistics

Statistics can be exported using the following options:
- Without patient detail: This option will export a summary report that includes the selected report date range, provider name, and a list of each MU measure with the corresponding numerator, denominator and percentage. This report should be exported at the end of the Eligible Provider's reporting period and stored with the provider's Meaningful Use documentation in case it is needed for audit.
- With patient detail: This option will export a summary report as described above, in addition to a patient detail report. The patient detail report includes a list of Meaningful Use measures along with patient information for patients included in the numerator or the denominator for that measure. The patient detail information includes the following items: numerator, denominator, %, Last name, First name, Chart #, DOB, Phone, Street, City, ST, Zip, Email, Sex, Race, Ethnicity, Language, Last Encounter date and time.
Meaningful Use Summary Report

The above image is an example of an exported MU Statistics report, for a Stage 2 provider, that does not include patient detail. This report will include the selected report date range (start date to current date), provider name, selected stage, and a list of each MU measure with the corresponding numerator, denominator and percentage.
Meaningful Use Patient Detail Report
The above image is an example of an exported MU Statistics report, for a Stage 2 provider, that includes patient detail. This export will include a Summary report, as well as a Patient Detail report. The Summary report and Patient Detail report are exported as separate files.
- Summary Report: The summary report includes the selected report date range, provider name, and a list of each MU measure with the corresponding numerator, denominator and percentage. This report should be exported at the end of the Eligible Provider's reporting period and stored with the provider's Meaningful Use documentation in case it is needed for audit.
- Patient Detail Report: The patient detail report includes a list of Meaningful Use measures along with patient information for patients included in the numerator or the denominator for that measure. The patient detail information includes the following items: numerator, denominator, %, Last name, First name, Chart #, DOB, Phone, Street, City, ST, Zip, Email, Sex, Race, Ethnicity, Language, Last Encounter date and time.