Radiology Types
Radiology Document Type

The Radiology chart section will allow the user to indicate a type for the associated document. Options include: Diagnostic Image, Image with Narrative, or Narrative Interpretation. This setting is associated with the individual document, not the docutainer, therefore allowing a type to be associated to each document that is contained within the docutainer.
This feature was added to meet the Meaningful Use ONC 2014 Edition Test Script 170.314(a)(12) Image Results Ambulatory and Inpatient, that requires the EHR to, "Electronically indicate to a user the availability of a patient’s images and narrative interpretations (relating to the radiographic or other diagnostic test(s)) and enable electronic access to such images and narrative interpretations."

The document type dialog is available from within the Task dialog, as well as, the document demographics (above the top splitter bar) within the Radiology chart section.