Security and Audit Log Changes
Security Administration: Emergency Access Role

Security Administrators will now have the ability to grant users access to specific roles while emergency access in enabled. Emergency access can be enabled through Tools > Security by a Security Administrator.
This feature was added to meet the Meaningful Use ONC 2014 Edition Test Script 170.314(d)(6) Emergency access Ambulatory and Inpatient Setting, that requires the EHR to, "Permit an identified set of users to access electronic health information during an emergency."
Security Manager: Before/After Document Versions
The SOAPware Security Manager will now display a "Before View" and "After View" version of a document for all audit log events with an Action/Section of "DocumentModified". This allows the user to see all changes that were made to a document at the time it was modified.
This feature was added to meet the Meaningful Use ONC 2014 Edition Test Script 170.314(d)(3) Audit report(s) Ambulatory and Inpatient Setting, that requires the EHR to contain, "audit log information should include; type of action (additions, deletions, changes, queries, print, copy), specifying inquiry, any changes made (with pointer to original data state), and a delete specification (with a pointer to deleted information)."
New Auditing Capabilities
In addition to the features listed above, the following audit log capabilities have been added to SOAPware:
- Capture when security is turned on/off.
- Capture when drug interactions is turned on/off for an individual or a role/group.
- Capture the Copy function.
- Capture the Print function.
- Capture the printing of a Document Design.
- Ability to view the contents of the docutainer in the Security Manager after the docutainer has been deleted.
These features were added to meet the Meaningful Use ONC 2014 Edition criteria included in the Privacy and Security Criteria 170.314(d)(1-9) section.