Creating Toggles
Creating Toggles is an advanced functionality in SOAPware.
Before a user would create his/her own toggles the user should:
- Have an understanding of what a Toggle is and how it functions.
- Have a basic knowledge of SMARText including creating macros and pick lists.
*Note: Toggle SMARText Items are not EM Coder compatible.
Step 1 - Create Structured Text Items

Toggles are created "from the ground up," meaning, the user is to first create each component prior to putting the toggle together as a whole.
Structured Text SMARText items will be the components that will be used to "toggle" between, in the user's documentation.
- Click on Docutainers > SMARText Items or Click F10 on the keyboard.
- Click on the green plus within the SMARText Items Manager.
- Select Structured Text.
- Click Create.
SMARText Designer: Structured Item
For demonstration purposes, we will create a fruit toggle, that will allow us to report what fruits are our favorites, and what fruits we deny that we like.
We are currently creating our individual fruits, which will serve as our structured text, or the components of our toggle.
- Give the item a description. *Structured items do not require or need a shortcut.
- Give the item keywords. (all keywords need to be separated by a comma and space and be sure to have a unifying keyword that will be used for quick retrieval of all a user's SMARText created items)
- In the Item Settings box, under Text (Singular), type the word or words to be displayed in the documentation.
- Click Save.
Repeat steps 1-4 for each Structured Item.
Step 2 - Create an Item Cluster

An Item Cluster combines all our previously made Structured items into one SMARText item group, which eliminates individual dragging and dropping of each item.
- Click on Docutainers > SMARText Items or click F10 on the keyboard.
- Click on the green plus within the SMARText Items Manager.
- Click Custom and Click on the drop-down arrow.
- Click on the + (expander node) next to Generic. Then click on the + next to Lists, and double-click on Item Cluster.
- Click Create.
SMARText Designer: Item Cluster
- Give Item Cluster a description. *An Item Cluster does not require or need a shortcut.
- Give Item Cluster keywords. (All keywords need to be separated by a comma and space and be sure to have a unifying keyword that will be used for quick retrieval of all a user's SMARText created items).
- Drag the SMARText Items Manager to the left side of the screen and the SMARText Designer to the right side of the screen.
- In the SMARText Items Manager, type in the unifying keyword of the structured items for quick retrieval. In this case, our unifying keyword is, fruit.
- One at a time, click to highlight, then drag and drop each individual structured item into the Item Settings box within the SMARText Designer. The user will see a circle with a line through it-while holding a left-click of the mouse--until the user sees an arrow, meaning he/she is in the clear to release the left-click, and the structured item will be placed into the Item Cluster. Repeat step 5 until all structured items and placed within the Item Settings box within the SMARText Designer.
- Click Save.
Step 3 - Create a Toggle Multi-Sel List

It is time to create a Toggle Multi-Sel SMARText item for each header the user wants the structured items he/she previously built in this lesson, to toggle between while documenting.
For this example, we are going to create a toggle multi-sel list for "Reports favorite fruit as." A user could also create another list for what the patient denies. Users could even create lists for positive findings, as well as one for negative findings.
- Click on Docutainers on the menu bar, and select SMARText Items. Click on the green plus within the SMARText Items Manager.
- Click on the radio button next to Custom.
- Click on the drop-down arrow.
- Click on the + (expander node) next to Generic. Then click on the + next to Lists, and double-click on Toggle Multi-Sel List.
- Click Create.
SMARText Designer: Toggle Multi-Sel List
- Give the list a description. *A Toggle Multi-Sel List does not require or need a shortcut.
- Give the list keywords. (all keywords need to be separated by a comma and space and be sure to have a unifying keyword that will be used for quick retrieval of all a user's SMARText created items)
- Give the list a Display Header. The header will be what displays within the documentation.
- Drag the SMARText Items Manager to the left side of the screen and the SMARText Designer to the right side of the screen.
- In the SMARText Items Manager, type in the unifying keyword of the item cluster we made previously, for quick retrieval. In this case, our unifying keyword is, fruit.
- Click to highlight, then drag and drop the item cluster into the Item Settings box within the SMARText Designer. The user will see a circle with a line through it-while holding a left-click of the mouse--until the user sees an arrow, meaning he/she is in the clear to release the left-click, and the item cluster will be placed into the Toggle Multi-Sel list.
- Under "Remove this item via Removed Unused," select When Empty.
- Click Save.
Repeat steps 1-7 for the next Toggle Multi-Sel List-such as "denies favorite fruit as."
Step 4 - Create a SMARTips Toggle Multi-Sel List

A SMARTips Toggle Multi-Sel list will always be the final multi-sel list created in this process. The user will use SMARTips, as his/her display header, and this list will function as a holding place for all toggle items.
Unseen in the screen shot above...Click on Docutainers on the menu bar, and Select SMARText Items. Click on the green plus within the SMARText Items Manager.
- Click on the radio button next to Custom.
- Click on the drop-down arrow.
- Click on the + (expander node) next to Generic. Then click on the + next to Lists, and double-click on Toggle Multi-Sel List.
- Click Create.
SMARText Designer: SMARTips Toggle Multi-Sel List
- For the description of a SMARTips Toggle Multi-Sel list, use five + signs and the name of the Toggle Multi-Sel List. For this example, we typed +++++ [space] Fruit. *A SMARTips Toggle Multi-Sel List does not require or need a shortcut.
- Give the list keywords. (all keywords need to be separated by a comma and space and be sure to have a unifying keyword that will be used for quick retrieval of all a user's SMARText created items)
- As the display header type, +++++.
- Drag the SMARText Items Manager to the left side of the screen and the SMARText Designer to the right side of the screen.
- In the SMARText Items Manager, type in the unifying keyword of the item cluster we made previously, for quick retrieval. In this case, our unifying keyword is, fruit.
- Click to highlight, then drag and drop the item cluster into the Item Settings box within the SMARText Designer. The user will see a circle with a line through it-while holding a left-click of the mouse--until the user sees an arrow, meaning he/she is in the clear to release the left-click, and the item cluster will be placed into the Toggle Multi-Sel list.
- Under "Item Separators," click Separate with. In the box to the right of "Separate with," indicate to separate with [space] [space] | [space] [space]
- Under "Remove this item via Removed Unused," select Always.
- Click Save.
Step 5 - Create the Main Toggle Multi-Sel List

We are now going to create the main toggle multi-sel list, which will house all of the previous multi-sel lists we made.
- Click on Docutainers on the menu bar, and Select SMARText Items. Click on the green plus within the SMARText Items Manager.
- Click on the radio button next to Custom.
- Click on the drop-down arrow.
- Click on the + (expander node) next to Generic. Then click on the + next to Lists, and double-click on Toggle Multi-Sel List.
- Click Create.
SMARText Designer: Main Multi-Sel List [Part 1]
- This list WILL need a shortcut!
- Give the list a description.
- Give the list keywords. (all keywords need to be separated by a comma and space and be sure to have a unifying keyword that will be used for quick retrieval of all a user's SMARText created items)
- Give the list a display header.
- In the SMARText Items Manager, type in the unifying keyword of all the multi-sel lists we made previously, for quick retrieval. In this case, our unifying keyword is, fruit.
- Click to highlight, then drag and drop each multi-sel list into the Item Settings box within the SMARText Designer. The user will see a circle with a line through it-while holding a left-click of the mouse--until the user sees an arrow, meaning he/she is in the clear to release the left-click, and the Toggle and SMARTips multi-sel lists, will be placed into the main Toggle Multi-Sel list.
- Under "Item Separators," click Separate Lines.
- Click Save.
Step 6 - Edit the Main Toggle Multi-Sel List

- Click to highlight the main toggle multi-sel list.
- Click the edit button.
SMARText Designer: Main Multi-Sel List [Part 2]
![SMARText Designer: Main Multi-Sel List [Part 2]](
- Click on the main header (in our case, Fruit Options) within the large white box. This will bring up SMARText Quick Access.
- Select each toggle multi-sel list in SMARText Quick Access, in the order desired. This will place each sub header within the large white box.
SMARText Designer: Main Multi-Sel List [Part 3]
- Click on the SMARTips header within the large white box. This will bring up the individual structured items within SMARText Quick Access.
- Select each structured item, under the SMARTips column within SMARText Quick Access. The structured item will now be visible within the large white box within the SMARText Designer.
- Click Save.
Step 7 - Insert Main Toggle into SOAPnote

It's time to insert the toggle into a SOAP Note!
Type your main toggle multi-sel list shortcut into the active header, then hit the F11 button on the keyboard to access the local database since this is the first time the toggle is being used. (for future occasions of using the toggle, the user can just insert the shortcut and press the space bar)
How to Use the Toggle

Double-click on a structured item within the SMARTips header, and the item will be placed under the first toggle list. (in our case, Reports Favorite Fruit as:)
Double-click on a SMARTips structured item that has been placed in the first toggle list, to send the item to the second toggle list. (in our case, Denies Favorite Fruit as:)
Extra Tid Bit
Should a user place a structured item under one of the toggles in the documentation and desire to remove that item from one of the toggle lists, in order to place it back into the SMARTips list, follow the steps listed below.
- Click on the SMARTips header.
- Re-check the structured item under the SMARTips column within SMARText Quick Access.