Create a Number Picker SMARText Item
This lesson will take a user through the steps necessary to create a Number Picker SMARText item. A user would utilize the Number Picker SMARText item type if he/she wanted to document information that could be best displayed with a number.
Access the SMARText Manager

Go to Docutainers > SMARText Items or press F10 on the keyboard.
SMARText Type Selection

- Press the Create a new SMARText item button.
- Fill in the radio button next to Custom.
- Click on the drop-down arrow.
Drill Down

Click on the + next to Generic, as well as the + next to Controls. Double-click on Number Picker.

Click Create.
SMARText Designer

- Assign this SMARText Item a shortcut. (user will need to make sure this shortcut is not too long, is not a real word, and has a unique identifier--in this example, initials are attached to the word, "feed," and easy to remember).
- Assign a description.
- Assign keywords. (user will need to make sure he/she includes a unique keyword--in this example, the initials 'srs' is the unique identifier. This will help with searching for this SMARText item in the future).
- Assign the SMARText item a display header. The words typed in this box will display within the encounter notes.
- Click Save.
Insert Shortcut

With a patients chart open, and an encounter note field active, type the shortcut assigned to the Number Picker SMARText item, and press the spacebar on the keyboard.
Use the Number Picker SMARText Item

Notice that once the shortcut was entered and the spacebar was pressed, the text entered into the note is the Display Header.
- Single-click on the display header.
- Select a number from the number pad displayed in the SMARText Quick Access (which is mostly likely docked to the right of a user's screen).