Claims Manager Enhancements-Additional Filtering for Managing Claims

In addition to filtering by posted date, additional filtering options have been added in the Claims Manager.  

New Filtering Options

New Filtering Options

1. Hover over the column headers to activate the funnel icon.

2. Click on the icon to drop down filter options, and click on an option. One or more columns can be filtered at a time.

Filtering Results

Filtering Results

The screenshot above is an example of the results from filtering by posted date 10/1/2012 to 5/28/2013 for all Medicare claims that were submitted during that time frame.

Multiple Filtering Results

Multiple Filtering Results

The screenshot above displays the results of filtering by Date Range, Physician and Payer.

Provider and Patient Name Order

Provider and Patient Name Order

In previous versions, the Claims Manager listed provider and patient by first name, last name. The order is now changed to list provider and patients by last name, first name.