Rendering Provider NPI

This Rendering Provider ID will be placed in the shaded pink portion of the charge, in box 24J of the claim.

Locate the claim.

Locate the claim.

Open the specific patient account, and click on the Claims Tab to locate the appropriate claim; OR double click on the correct claim from the Claims Manager.

  1. Click to highlight the appropriate claim in the Claims grid.
  2. Double click on the needed charge to view the details.

Determine the Rendering Provider for the charge.

Determine the Rendering Provider for the charge.

The Rendering Provider for the charge will be indicated in the field above.

Locate the Rendering Provider's NPI

Locate the Rendering Provider's NPI
  1. Go to the Tools menu.
  2. Select Provider Manager.
  3. Click on the Provider name that is listed as the Rendering Provider for your charge.
  4. The NPI number that is listed for the provider will be pulled onto the CMS 1500, into Box 24J.