Downloading Updated Medications
Recently users have been unable to e-prescribe older medication items that contain obsolete NDC codes in the background. When users experience this issue with certain medications, the updated item needs to be downloaded from our cloud library.
Open SMARText Items Library

Press F10 or go to Docutainers > SMARText Items.
Check the box to Include Cloud Library Items
Search for the Generic Medication Name

- Type the name of the generic medication in the Find box and press the Enter key or click the magnifying glass to search.
- Click at the top of the Type column to sort all the Rx items together.
Download from the Cloud Library

Items with a green triangle pointing down are SOAPware trusted and can be e-prescribed from your system once they are downloaded by clicking the blue arrow at the top.
*Note: Brand name items on the cloud library with a green triangle pointing down can also be e-prescribed once they are downloaded.
Remove Obsolete Medications from the Local Database

Items with a yellow triangle pointing up are customized prescriptions on your database. If any of these items result in an error when attempting to e-prescribe, they need to be selected and removed from your database by clicking the button with a red X.
Customize Downloaded Medication
For instructions to re-create customized prescriptions using the newly downloaded medication please see Creating SMARText Medications.