Auto Created Tasks
This lesson will discuss the creation and management of auto created Tasks.
Task List
Each SOAPware User will have a Task List. This is the central location for all of the users "to do" items and communication with other staff regarding patients. In this area the user can track what refill requests have came in as well as what lab results need to be addressed and patient phone calls that need to be returned.
By default, new Task items are automatically created anytime a new Document is added to a chart. (There is a security setting where this can be turned off, but we strongly discourage turning off the auto-creation of task items).
Add Task - Task Info Interface

When a new Document is created or imported in SOAPware the Add Document Task window will display.
- Description - Defaults to the area the Document or document was created. For example SOAP Note or Lab. The description of the Task Item can be typed here. For example, "refill request" or "test results".
- Owner - The owner of the documentation, not necessarily whom the task is being assigned to. This will default to the Active Provider displayed at the top of the SOAPware screen and cannot be changed in this area.
- Assigned to - Will also default to the Active Provider but can be changed by using the drop-down menu in order to assign the task to the proper user.
- Due Date - Will default to the date the task was created and can be edited by using the drop-down calendar.
- Reminder - By using the drop-down arrow and placing the desired date and time here, a pop-up will display when the user that the task is assigned to logs in. This feature should only be used for stat situations such as critical labs.
- Priority - Defaults to Normal. The user has the ability to assign the task a priority of high, low, normal or urgent by using the drop-down menu.
- Action/Status - Defaults to Needs Review. This section allow the user to indicate to the assigned user what needs to be done and also allows the assigned user to designate on their task list the actions done or needed in order to manage their list. This list can be customized by the clinic under the Tools > List Options menu.
- Type - The type of Document created. For example SOAP Note or lab.
- Notes - This area is optional. This is not where the reason for the task is documented as this area is not a part of the patient's record and will not be saved.
Add Task - Document Info Interface

This information is optional and will appear above the top splitter in the Document.
- Date/Time: This will default to the date the task was created and can be edited by using the drop-down calendar.
- Encounter Type: This area designates whether the encounter is a Face to Face or non-Face to Face. This delineation in the type of encounter is required to calculate certain Meaningful Use guidelines and will default to Face to Face.
- Owner: The owner of the documentation, not necessarily whom the task is being assigned to. This will default to the Active Provider displayed at the top of the SOAPware screen and cannot be changed in this area.
- Status: A drop-down menu with options to indicate why this Document is not signed off.
- Description: Defaults to the area the Document or document was created. For example SOAP Note or Lab. The description of the Task Item can be typed here. For example, "refill request" or "test results". Will also pull the first SMARText diagnosis from the SOAP Note Assessment Field.
- Related Dx: The SMARText diagnosis in the Assessment field and primary diagnosis for the visit if the Document being created is a SOAP Note.
- Order Number: The order number will be automatically populated when an order is entered into the SOAP Note. This is not an editable field.
- Apply to All: If a mulit-page document is scanned into a patient's chart a Task Item will be created for each page. To avoid filling out the Add Document Task on all pages, simply fill out the first one and select "Apply to All" by clicking to place a check mark in the box.
When the Task info section and the Document info section (if needed) are filled out click Add to place this item on the users Task List in the "Assigned To" box. If a Task is not needed Cancel can be pressed but we highly recommend all items created or scanned in are put onto a Task List.