Manually Created Tasks
When adding a task manually from the Tasks Manager, the Owner will default to the current User (person that is currently logged into SOAPware).
Add Task

Manually add a new task directly to the Tasks Manager by Clicking the Add Task button.
Associate the Task with a patient's chart

At this point a dialog will appear with the option to associate the new task with a patient chart. Choose Yes or No.
Create Task Dialog

The Create Task dialog opens. Add appropriate information to the new task, and Click the Create button.
The information the user can include is:
- Description - this will be the description that shows up in the task list and will help the user identify what this document is.
- Owner - this will always be the active provider for an automatic task, but will be the user when creating a manual task that is not associated with a patient's chart.
- Due - this is when the task is set to be due. After this date, the task will turn red, indicating that it is past due.
- Priority - this allows the user to rank tasks using a priority system so that the user can make sure to complete the most urgent tasks first.
- Type - this indicates what kind of document this task is (i.e. SOAPnote, Radiology, etc.)
- Assigned To - this is the user to whom this task is assigned. The task will appear on his/her task list.
- Reminder - this allows us to set a reminder to pop up (similar to an outlook calendar reminder) when this item is due.
- Action/Status - this indicates what action needs to be taken for this task to be complete.
- Notes - this is a section where the user can attach temporary notes to a task as a reminder or to contain additional information. It is important to understand that this area will not be a permanent part of a patient's chart because it will be deleted after task completion.
Completing a Manually Created Task

If a manually created task has been completed, to remove it from the list of tasks, Click the check box in the Completed column.

The user will be prompted to confirm. Click Yes.
Task Removed
The task will then be removed from the list. If the user clicks No, the user will be returned to Task Manager.
Deleting a Task

Tasks should generally be Signed Off or Completed to have a record of the Task (for 100 days). Use caution when deleting a Task.
To remove a task from the Tasks Manager, Click on the task item to delete, and Click the Delete Task button (or Press CTRL + Alt + R).
Confirm Deletion

A dialog is presented that asks the user to confirm that they wish to review the selected task (as shown in the screen shot above). Click 'Yes' to remove the selected task or Click 'No' to return to the Task Manager.
Removing a task item from Task Manager does not remove the related document from a patient chart.
*Note: Manually added tasks cannot be signed off because they are not attached or associated with a document. Therefore, manually created tasks will need to be "completed" within the Tasks Manager, not "signed off".