Creating a Billing Statement
The Billing Statements section displays previous superbills and allows for the creation of new billing statements.
Billing statements can often facilitate direct posting into the practice management system (this requires the SOAPwareXchange enhancement).
Structured Data Entry

Specific types of SMARText items must be used in order to directly populate the Billing Statement. These specific items are Structured Dx, Structured Plan Item, and Order Entry types.
The office visit CPT code should be entered into the Plan field of the SOAP Note. Click on the Related Dxs field to select the related diagnosis for the office visit. You can also select a Modifier if necessary.
Create Billing Statement

Click the View Billing Statement button. It is located beneath the lower splitter bar of the current SOAP Note.
View Billing Statement

The Billing Statements viewer is displayed and a new Superbill is populated with the information contained within the current SOAP encounter note.
The billing statement will include all office visit and other CPT codes that are entered directly into the Plan field. In addition, the billing statement will include all Orders or Immunizations that have been designated to be added to the billing statement/superbill.
Modify the Superbill

Items can be added to the superbill by placing the item into the SOAP Note Plan field. After placing the item into the SOAP Note, simply click the Refresh button to update the superbill.
To remove a CPT code from the superbill, click the X button located to the left of the CPT line item.
Post the Superbill

To post the superbill to the Practice Management system, click the Post Superbill button.