Creating and Editing Lab Tests
This lesson will explain how to create individual lab tests with reference ranges. These lab tests can be pulled into lab Templates for documentation of lab results in the clinic Lab Templates will be discussed in the next lesson.
Lab Tests

- Go to the Tools Menu.
- Click on Lab Tests.
Add a Lab Test

To create a specific lab test the user will click on the green (+). This will bring up the Lab Test editor.
Create Labs with Numeric Ranges

- Select Test Type.
- Enter Test Name.
- Enter Test Description.
- Select Test Units.
- Enter Reference Ranges for Adult Male, Adult Female, Child and General.
- Click OK.
Create Labs with Pick List Values

- Select Test Type.
- Enter Test Name.
- Enter Test Description.
- Enter Pick list value press the "Enter key" and enter second Value. Press the "Enter Key" and enter third value. Continue until all values are entered in this box.
- Press OK to save this lab test.
Create Labs with Text Fields

Text Field labs allow the user to free text lab findings into the lab Template. These are not graph-able.

To Edit an Existing Lab:
- Highlight lab to edit.
- Click on the Edit Icon.
Numeric Range

Make necessary changes to Lab Test and press OK to save.