Data Explorer SOAPnote Medication Search
This lesson will cover searching databases for structured SMARText medication located in the SOAPnote medication field.
Depending on the size of the database, this search could take several minutes. We do not recommend running database searches during business hours.
Accessing Data Explorer

1. Click on SOAPware on the menu bar.
2. Click on Data Explorer.
Create New Query

To create a new query, Click on the New Query button.
Name the Query

Name the query. It can be helpful to place a date on the query to differentiate between searches.
Selecting the Chart Section to Search
1. Click on "Search Chart Sections."
2. Un-check "All Chart Sections" in the SMARText Quick Access.
3. Click to place a check in the box next to Encounters - SOAP Notes.
Documents of Type

1. Click over "for Documents fo type."
2. Using the drop-down menu in the SMARText Quick Access, double-click on "SMARText Document."
Search Area

1. Click on "located in the."
2. Using the drop-down menu, Click on the plus (expander node) next to Generic.
3. Click on the expander node next to "Entry Fields"
4. Double-click on "Encounter Medication Field."
5. Click the Add button.
Define the SMARText Item Type

1. Click on "that are a. "
2. Using the drop-down menu, Click on the expander node next to "Generic."
3. Click on the expander node next to "Structured Items."
4. Double-click on "Medication Item."
5. Click the Add button.
Choosing the Specific Medication

1. Click on "Medication Item."
2. On the Basic tab, type in the header (or name) of the medication.

When a user's search is completed, Click on the Search button to run the search. Remember, this can take quite some time, so it is recommended to run a search at the end of a workday.
Search Results

The search results will be displayed when the search is complete. The user can save these or discard the results.