Customizing Order Items
Customizing Order Items

Users may want to customize the sub-items for orders. For example, at the clinic, a certain immunization might always be assigned to a particular user, so the Assigned To sub-item for the immunization can be set up to always be assigned to that user by following the instructions in this lesson.
- Open the SMARText Items manager by pressing F10 on your keyboard or going to Documents > SMARText Items.
- Type in the order item you would like to customize, and click the Search (magnifying glass) button.
- Click to highlight the item you choose.
- Click the Edit button.
Selecting Sub-Items To Be Displayed In Order SMARText Items
In the SMARText Designer, the order item will be displayed with all relevant sub-items.
- Click on each sub-Item you wish to customize inside the large white box below Item Type.
- In the SMARText Quick Access window, make the appropriate selection for each sub-item. You can default as many sub-items as you wish.
- If you wish to add this item to your billing statement/superbill by default, you can select this under the Item Settings Charge area. If you do not wish to add this item to your billing statement/superbill by default, choose the second option.
- Click Save.
To select the sub-items that will be displayed in Order Manger and in the SOAP Note, return to Order Manger Set-up.