Order Manager Updates
SOAPware has made several changes to the Order Manager based on user feature requests. These modifications allow for a smoother workflow when working with Orders, Immunizations, and Referrals. For a description of the changes and new workflow for using Order Manager, please see the information and screenshots provided below.
Order Manager Updates
The new Order Manager now contains three sections:
- New Orders: This section allows the user to enter a new order into the system. From the New Orders section, the user can complete the appropriate sub-items and confirm (or submit) the order. When the order is confirmed, the order will be placed into the SOAP Note Plan field and the Superbill (if checked) and will be moved to the Working Orders section. If a New Order is printed, faxed, or sent electronically using myHEALTHware, the order will be automatically moved to the Results Pending section, skipping the Working Orders section. *Note: Immunizations and Injections will always be moved to the Working Orders section. This allows the staff to document the additional necessary information once the shot is given.
- Working Orders: Once the order is placed in the Working Orders section, it can still be modified either through Order Manager or directly in the Plan field. This allows the staff to complete the order (draw blood, take the xray, schedule the test, give the shot, etc.) and document the necessary information in the sub-items of the order. Once the staff has documented the necessary information and performed the order, the order can be Completed. Once an order is completed, it is moved to the Results Pending section of Order Manager. *Note: Immunizations and Injections will automatically go to the History section of Order Manager since there will be no result to document on the order.
- Results Pending: The Results Pending section allows the user to reconcile the pending order once the results have been received by the clinic. Clicking the Reconcile Orders (paperclip icon) will allow the user to select the associated results. If you do not wish to reconcile an order with the cooresponding results, the user can also click the Transfer to History button to move the order to the History tab.
*Note: If an order item is updated or removed from Order Manager after the SOAP Note containing the order is signed off, an Addendum will be created to document the changes that were made to the order.
New Orders
To enter a new order, open Order Manager and click the Green + icon to select your order. This will place the order into the New Orders section where the sub-items can be completed if desired (the user may wish to wait to complete sub-items in the Working section as well).
Clicking Confirm will create a Task Order that can be assigned to an internal staff member to complete the order. This will pace the order into the Working Orders section of Order Manager.
If the order is not being completed by your internal staff, you can Print, Fax, or send the order electronically through myHEALTHware or myHEALTHware Fax. This will move the order directly to the Results Pending section, bypassing the Working Orders section.
When the order is Confirmed, Printed, Faxed, or Sent Electronically, it will also be automatically documented in the Plan field of the active SOAP Note.
Working Orders
The Working Orders section is designed to be used by clinic staff members to document the appropriate information into the sub-items of the order and to indicate that the order is complete. The sub-items can be completed from either the Order Manager interface or directly in the SOAP Note. Order Manager will sync with the SOAP Note if any updates are made directly in the note.
Once the order has been completed by the clinic staff, it can be marked as completed by clicking the Complete Order button. This will move the order to the Results Pending section of Order Manager and it will be retained in the SOAP Note. If the order was an Immunization or an Injection, it will automatically go to the History section of Order Manager since there will be no result to document on the order.
Results Pending

The Results Pending section allows you to store the order until the results are returned. Once the results are returned, it is recommended that you reconcile the order by relating the results to the original order.
- Reconcile Order: To relate the order to the results, click on the Reconcile Orders button (paperclip icon).
- Transfer to History: If you do not wish to reconcile the order by relating it to the cooresponding results, click the Transfer to History button. This will remove the order from the Results Pending section and move it to the Order Manager History tab.

To reconcile the order and attach it to the cooresponding lab results:
- Click the Reconcile Orders button.
- Select the chart section that contains the results.
- Select the appropriate results.
- Click the Select button to complete the reconciliation.
Order Manager History

The Order Manager History tab will display all orders that have been entered through Order Manager that have been:
- Transferred to History
- Reconciled with the test results
- Completed Immunization or Injection

If the user wishes, they can move the order back to the Results Pending section by highlighting the order and clicking Move Back to Pending.
Order Manager Tips

If an order is placed in the New Orders section, but is not confirmed, printed, faxed, or sent electronically, when the SOAP Note is signed off, a warning will be presented to the user as seen above. Clicking Yes will continue signing off; clicking No will open Order Manager so the order can be confirmed before proceeding.

If an order is modified or removed from Order Manager after the SOAP Note is signed off, SOAPware will automatically add an addendum to the cooresponding SOAP Note
An order can be modified from either the Order Manager interface or from the SOAP Note Plan field. The order will automatically update in both places when modifications are made.
In addition a new order can be placed directly into the SOAP Note Plan field and it will automatically populate into the Working Orders section of the Order Manager interface. This order will also be added to the Superbill (if checked), but the order will not have a Task Item created for it.
Orders can be entered into the SOAP Note Plan field using any of the following methods:
- SMARText Quick Access (Favorites List)
- SMARText Pick Lists
- SOAP Note Templates
- Copied orders from Encounter Viewer
- Using F11 or Shift F11