Ready To Submit
Claims in the Claim Manager that have been scrubbed and are ready to submit to the Payer will be moved to the Ready to Submit section.
Claims Ready to Submit
1. Select one or more claims to submit to Payer.
2. To submit only the Electronic claims in the Ready to Process section, Click the Generate Electronic button.
3. To Print only the Paper Claims in the Ready to Process section, Click the Print Claims button.
4. To submit some but not all claims, click to highlight the claims and then click the Submit Selected button.
Note: To automatically upload claims to Gateway EDI, you must have the required information setup in Claims Options .
Filtering Claims Ready to Submit
Claims can be filtered by type (Paper or Electronic) to get an accurate count and charge amount to confirm all claims have been received by the clearinghouse or to verify the correct amount of claims have been printed.
1. Click the filter icon in the PRT column and select E to list Electronic claims only. **After totals are recorded or electronic claims are uploaded change back to All go display remaining paper claims.
2. Total Electronic Claims ready to submit.
3. Total Charge amount for electronic claims.
4. Total Paper and Electronic claims ready to submit.
5. Click Generate Electronic to upload all electronic claims to clearinghouse.
Important: Once claims are uploaded, follow clearinghouse instructions to immediately confirm file was received by clearinghouse/payer and compare totals for the file.
Printing CMS 1500 Claims using Plain paper

To print claims using plain paper, place a check mark in the Print Full CMS Form box. Using a color printer will print the lines and blocks shaded in red. Printing with black ink only will print the form in black and white.
Printing CMS 1500 Claims using Pre printed forms

If using pre printed CMS1500 forms, remove the check mark from Print Full CMS Form box. This will just print the text into the fields.
Please Note:
Most printer manufacturers install a PCL (Printer Command Language) driver by default. This works well if printing documents in just plain text and with very little formatting, for example a word document on a home computer. However with the complexity of forms and page layouts, it is recommend, printing these documents on a PS (Post Script) Print Driver instead of a PCL driver. This type of printer driver will handle the forms information most efficiently. SOAPware recommends using any business grade printer, or a color laser jet printer, if selecting Print Full CMS Form.
Note: Selecting Print Full CMS Form will print the front of the CMS 1500 only, and will not include the print on the back of the form. If a payer requires the standard front and back of the CMS 1500 form, the claim will not be acceptable.
SOAPware does not support printers/scanners. Meaning that SOAPware does not install printer drivers or set printer configurations. Please contact an IT person for additional hardware matters. However, it is recommend to download the most recent printer drivers needed from the manufacturer's website. It is usually a FREE DOWNLOAD. If there is trouble locating the driver needed, please contact the manufacturer directly. Be cautious of downloading drives from an alternate source other than the printer manufacturer.
Thank you,
SOAPware Support