Read Only SOAPware

As of February 28, 2018, SOAPware will revert to a “read-only” mode.
The above message will be presented to the user upon log in to SOAPware's "read-only" mode. This message explains the functionality that will be seen when using the "read-only" mode of SOAPware. As explained in this message, when logged in to SOAPware, the user will see all documents and chart sections as "locked" or grayed out. The user will only be able to read, print, and export information from SOAPware.
The following lesson provides some additional details on the "read-only" mode of SOAPware.

Technical Support will no longer be available to troubleshoot errors or issues which may occur in SOAPware after February 28, 2018.

Once SOAPware is in "read-only" mode, Security to the system will no longer be active. The clinic will need to ensure that the database is secured per HIPAA regulations in some other manner as the system will no longer require User IDs and Passwords to log in and the Security Administration section will no longer be accessible.
SOAPware Chart
The above image provides an example of how a chart will appear in the "read-only" mode of SOAPware. All documents in the chart will be locked and grayed-out. It will not be possible to add to or edit anything in SOAPware beyond 2/28/2018.
the following functions will not be available after SOAPware enters "read-only" mode:
- All documents and chart sections will be locked.
- No new documents may be created.
- Existing documents cannot be deleted.
- Orders cannot be placed or submitted.
- Orders cannot be resolved.
- Prescriptions cannot be created or submitted.
- HL7 items cannot be added to SOAPware.
- Documents cannot be added in the Document Import workspace.
- No new chart sections can be created.
- All unsigned documents will be viewable, but cannot be edited. The user will continue to have access to sign off on previously unsigned documents.
The user will only be able to read, print, and export information from SOAPware.
SOAPware Scheduler

The user will be able to view existing appointments, but no new appointments can be created.
Practice Management/Billing
Once SOAPware enters "read-only" mode, the following PM/Billing functions will not be available:
- New Claims cannot be created.
- New Charges cannot be created.
- Claims cannot be submitted.
- Insurance Payments cannot be added.
- No changes to the patient account can occur.
- Flags and Notes will continue to be accessible for the patient.
- The patient Demographics, Insurance policies, Custom Demographics, Ledger, and Claims tabs will be locked. The information contained in these tabs can be viewed, but no changes can be made.
- The user can view and print previous saved patient Statements from the Statements tab.
On the Claims tab, the user will have access to view the list of patient claims, but will be unable to edit any of the claims.

All billing reports will be accessible for review and can be printed from SOAPware.

The CQMsolution will no longer be accessible after February 28,2018, therefore it is imperative that the user export any necessary reports or data files from the CQMsolution prior to the sunset date.

The EHR Incentive Programs dashboard will be accessible and the user can view previously run snapshots. No new snapshots can be taken. The user should print and export any necessary reports or data files from the EHR Incentive Programs dashboard and save them prior to the sunset date.
Share Charts

The user will be able to access the Share Charts workspace to export patient information in PDF or C-CDA.