Physicians' Desk Reference (PDR)
SOAPware has added a suite of interactive PDR® tools to educate you and help increase medication adherence without disrupting your workflow.
Look for PDR in Your Workflow
PDR - Your trusted source for drug information, is now available in SOAPware, when and where you need it most.
These PDR resources are now accessible from within your e-prescribing module:
- PhysicianCare™ delivers real-time messages within your e-prescribing workflow to help you make decisions.
- ScriptGuide® motivates your patients to fill their prescriptions while educating them with MU2-certified content.
- eCopay® helps your patients stay on therapy by alerting them to live financial offers.
The PDR resources will help providers to meet requirements for providing handouts for Meaningful Use. In addition, they provide key provider-patient support resources and critical drug information. The PDR features are actively managed and maintaned for seamless integration and will be periodically updated with future releases.
500,000+ physicians receive and use the Physicians' Desk Reference each year.
*Note: Absolutely no physician or patient personal identifiable information is provided to pharma manufacturers. About 5% of medications prescribed will be matched to a PhysicianCare, ScriptGuide or eCopay depending on the programs that are being offered at the time.
View clinically relevant messages in real-time on your screen at the point-of-care. PhysicianCare is activated when you select a medication.
- Receive clinical or educational content about the therapy you’re prescribing
- Conveniently links to full prescribing information and (where available) important safety information
Messages from bio/pharma manufacturers, health plan or PBM may include:
- Newly approved indications or dosing
- Patient education materials
- Patient medication adherence tools
- Patient financial support programs (discount cards, coupons, etc)
- Other prescribing information

Retrieve patient education resources from your office printer at the point-of-prescribing. ScriptGuides automatically print when you order a prescription.
- Fulfill Meaningful Use requirements with MU2-certified content
- Calls to action motivate patients with the right message at the right time to increase/maintain adherence
- Includes financial offers (when available) to help improve medication adherence
Look for a printed ScriptGuide after you submit the prescription, and be sure to distribute the information to your patients.

Help your patients stay on therapy by alerting them to financial offers available for medications you just prescribed.
- See an onscreen notification at the point-of-prescribing if an offer is available on that drug
- Retrieve a copy from your office printer to hand to your patient ready to use at the pharmacy
- Adjudication information is auto-injected into both the printed prescription and e-script
© 2015 PDR, LLC. All rights reserved. PDR, Physicians’ Desk Reference, PhysicianCare, ScriptGuide, eCopay, and ConsumerCare are trademarks of PDR.