Handouts Enhancement
The features listed below have been added to meet the Meaningful Use ONC 2014 Edition Test Scripts for 170.314(a)(15) Patient-Specific Education Resources.
Addition of Medline Plus Resources

MedlinePlus is the National Institutes of Health's website that contains information about diseases, conditions, and wellness issues in an easy to understand language. Produced by the National Library of Medicine, MedlinePlus offers patient educational resources with up-to-date health information, for free.
SOAPware has added the ability to access the library of MedlinePlus educational resources directly from SOAPware. In addition, SOAPware users can indicate that a MedlinePlus educational resource/handout is being provided to the patient, which will calculate towards the Meaningful Use Patient Educational Resources objective.
Access MedLine Plus Resources from SOAPware

The MedlinePlus educational resources/handouts library can be accessed by right clicking on a SMARText Dx item or procedure item that contains a SNOMED CT code then choosing MedlinePlus Resource.

This will open the MedlinePlus educational resources that are related to the SMARText item and will allow the user to print off the resource(s), using the browser printing functionality, for the patient.
Additional Handouts Enhancement for Lab Tests

You can now create handouts for lab tests and add a lab test name and flag (high/low) to the handout.

When Ctrl + H is pressed (or the Patient Education item is clicked within the MU Patient Dashboard), SOAPware will look through the current active labs and will insert a handout if a match is found with the Lab Test Name and Lab Flag indicated on the handout.