Immunization Chart Section
The features listed below have been added to meet the Meaningful Use ONC 2014 Edition Test Scripts for 170.314(f)(1) Immunization information & 170.314(f)(2) Transmission to immunization registries.
New Immunizations Chart Section

A new chart section has been added for Immunizations. The Immunizations chart section has been designed based on user feedback and includes the following features:
- Ability to record immunizations that have been performed for a patient.
- Ability to record immunizations that have not been performed for a patient (ie: refused, not performed due to patient history, or historical information).
- Addition of several new sub-items for immunizations.
- Ability to print the immunization record for a patient.
- Automatic transfer of immunizations from order manager to the immunizations chart section.
- Syncing between immunization chart section and order manager.
- Automatic transfer of immunizations from the immunizations chart section to the Subjective field.
- One-time transfer of the patients previously entered immunizations into the new immunization chart section.
- Ability to import and export the immunizations chart section.
Immunization Interface
The new immunizations chart section contains a section to record immunizations that have been performed (new immunizations and historical immunizations), as well as a section to record immunizations that have not been performed (refused or not performed immunizations).
Entering Performed Immunizations
New immunizations that have been performed should be entered using Order Manager. When an immunization is submitted, faxed or printed in Order Manager, it will be automatically transferred to the new Immunization chart section to record the immunization has been performed.
Entering Historical, Refused or Not Performed Immunizations
To create a complete immunization record that includes historical, refused or not performed immunizations, immunizations can also be entered directly from the Immunization chart section.
Historical, Refused or Not Performed Immunizations Transferred to Subjective

When a new historical, refused or not performed immunization is recorded for a patient, it will automatically be transferred to the SOAPnote Subjective section.
New Immunization Sub-Items

Several new sub-items have been added to immunizations, including the following:
- Date VIS (vaccine information sheet) Given
- Date VIS (vaccine information sheet) Published
- Vaccinator
- Status (includes various options to select from, including new immunization, historical information, refused, and not performed)
- Expiration Date
- NDC #