NDC Number Assigned to CPT® Code
Select procedure codes to assign the NDC Number. This will automatically include NDC on claims when the code is charged.
Associate NDC codes to CPT codes to include on claims

In previous versions of SOAPware, filing claims with procedure codes needing a NDC meant users had to go to Charge Details, Click on the Drug tab, and manually enter the NDC code for each procedure that required one. This new feature allows users to select procedure codes from the CPT Maintenance and assign the NDC number to that code. When the code is charged, the NDC number will automatically populate the Drug Code field for electronic filing, and the Supplemental field for CMS 1500 paper claims.
The Drug Quantity and Drug Units will have to be manually entered.
Go to Tools->Billing Maintenance->CPT Maintenance.
1. Type Code or Description.
2. Type the NDC number.
3. Save. Repeat for each code.