Creating SMARText Prescriptions for Durable Medical Supplies
Durable Medical Supplies can now be created as SMARText Items and printed or faxed from the Rx Manager.
In this lesson we are going to create a prescription for Lancets.
Accessing the SMARText Items Manager

- Click on Docutainers on the menu bar.
- Select on SMARText Items.
Creating a New Item

- Click on the Create (green +) button to create a Medication Item.

- Select the Medication radio button.
- Click Create button.
*Note: this should only be done when creating DME Items. Prescription medications should be duplicated and then edited. Please see: Creating SMARText Items in the SMARText Items Manager.

- Enter a Shortcut.
- Enter a Description.
- Enter the Keywords.
- Click the check box next to Display Header and enter "Diabetic Testing Supplies" (or your preferred display header).
- Click the Save button to save your newly created item. This step is necessary before adding in the strength, SIG, etc. See the steps below to add this detail.
Edit the Item to Enter Strength, SIG, and Other Sub-Items

Search and edit your newly created item to edit the details.
- Enter the shortcut code to search for the item.
- Highlight the item.
- Click the Edit button.
Entering the Strength

- Left-click on Strength to bring up the Item Comment box.
- Type in the Item Comment box "Lancets and Strips."
- Click Save.
Entering the Sig
- Click on the SIG- header.
- Create a new SIG by clicking in the blank SIG line in the SMART Quick Access and enter your preferred SIG.
- Click on the Empty SIG line to save the newly created SIG.
- Click on the SIG created to insert this into the SMARText item.
Fill out Remaining Items

Fill in the Dispense number, Substitutions, and Refills by clicking on each item and selecting the appropriate option from the SMARText Quick Access window.
Removing Sub Items
The SMARText item will have sub items associated with a medication.
To remove the sub items not needed:
- Right-click over the SMARText header.
- Choose "Manage Sub items."
- In the SMARText Quick Access, un-check the sub items not needed, leaving only the sub Items Strength, SIG, Quantity, Substitutions Refills,and Pharmacy Note. DO NOT CLICK SAVE AT THIS POINT
Users are to un-check items he/she does not wish to display on the prescription such as: Start Date and End Date, Comments.
Saving the Item

Complete the item and ensure that the item looks as it should be prescribed.
Click the Save button.
Inserting the Prescription into the Chart

In the Medication field of the SOAP Note, enter the shortcut, followed by the space bar.
Related Diagnosis

If the patient, insurance or pharmacy require a Related diagnosis:
- Right-click on the Item Header.
- Select "Manage Sub Items."
- Check "Related Dxs" in the SMARText Quick Access.
*Note: In the Default Layout (Tools > Options > Structured Rx) if the user has Related Diagnosis checked, this will automatically display Related Diagnosis and the user will not need this step.
Printing or Faxing the Prescription
- Press the F8 key on the keyboard ( or right-click over the Medication field header and choose Rx Manager) to bring up the Rx Manager. You will receive an error under "View Errors" that states that the strength cannot be e-prescribed. You will need to Print or Fax the prescription.
- Click on the drop-down arrow next to the Submit button.
- Choose Print or Fax.