SWICPC is an ongoing research project in SOAPware. SWICPC is a type of classification system loosely based on the International Classification of Primary Care or ICPC. SOAPware incorporates SWICPC codes to some key SMARText items. This unique approach to classification is more physician friendly than the universally adopted systems being used in the United States such as ICD or CPT.

The ICPC is a logical, clinically-oriented framework that works for sub-specialists as well as primary care. In the United States ICD-9 and CPT are the only widely used classification systems that physicians use that can be ready by both computers and humans. ICPC was developed by physicians as a more physician friendly classification system.
International Classification of Primary Care or ICPC
SWICPC Overview
SWICPC associations are currently attached to many Diagnosis, Medications, Plan Items and Order Entry Items. This may eventually make it much easier to enter diagnoses and orders.
A future benefit of designing SOAPware's SWICPC classification system to closely match the ICPC is the future likelihood of eventually, formally incorporating ICPC-2-E (the current, electronic form of ICPC) into SOAPware. ICPC-2-E is mapped to ICD-10. This could make the transition from ICD-9CM to ICD-10 a bit easier for SOAPware users. SWICPC is similar enough to ICPC-2-E so that we should be able to fairly seamlessly incorporate the commercially available ICPC-2-E to ICD-10 mappings when the need to do so arrives. For more information on the ICD-9 to ICD-10 issues - The Costs and Benefits of Moving to the ICD-10 Code Sets.
To receive the White Paper Documentation on SWICPC when the project was shelved in 2009, please contact SOAPware, Inc. Below is a glimpse of some of the associations between SWICPC and ICPC. There is some utility in identifying specialty-specific SMARText items based on SWICPC codes by filtering on the first 3 characters in SWICPC codes.
For example, searching/filtering on 08.0 can retrieve lists of items in SOAPware that are more relevant to Cardiology. This is true in SMARText, Docuplates, and in Document Designs.