Create an Item Grouper
Item Groupers are SMARText items that, when inserted to a patient's chart, enter multiple pick lists, in a particular sequence, at one time.
Example of an Item Grouper

The above image is an example of an Item Grouper within the default Summary docuplate. When the shortcut "fam-" (hit the spacebar after typing in the shortcut) is inserted into the patient's chart, multiple pick lists, that are in a pre-defined order, are inserted automatically.
Create an Item Grouper

Item Groupers are created in the SMARText Items Manager, then edited in SMARText Builder: Structure Editor.
- Click on the Green + to create an Item Grouper
- Select Custom in the SMARText Type Selection box
- Click the + next to Lists and select Item Grouper.
SMARText Designer: Item Grouper

- Complete Item Demographics, including the Shortcut code, Description and Keywords.
- Save the Item.
Sub-items to a grouper will need to be inserted using the SMARText Builder: Structure Editor.
Please see SMARText Structure Editor for more information.