Create an HL7 Lab Flow Sheet

Labs that are received via an HL7 interface may be inserted into a flow sheet. Once created, the flow sheet will automatically populate past and future results for a specific test. Lab test results may then be graphed and compared.

Open Chart Sections

Open Chart Sections

To create an HL7 Flow sheet,  the Lab and Flow Sheet chart sections must be visible in the chart workspace.

  1. Open the Lab chart section and the Flow Sheet chart section.
  2. Select an HL7 Lab document by double-clicking on the document.

Open an Existing Flow Sheet - Create a New Flow Sheet

Open an Existing Flow Sheet - Create a New Flow Sheet

Open an existing flow sheet, or create a new Flow Sheet by following these instructions:

  1. Within the Flow Sheets chart section, Click on the Green +  to create a new Flow Sheet.
  2. Select "Empty Flow Sheet" from the Available Flow Sheets list.
  3. Click OK.

Transfer the Lab Result

Transfer the Lab Result
  1. Select the lab result to be transferred to the flow sheet.
  2. Drag and drop the result from the HL7 document into the empty flow sheet (remember to left-click the mouse--and not to release the left-click until the symbol changes from a circle with a line in the center, to the arrow show above in the screenshot).

Finished Product

Finished Product

The lab result has now been added to the new flow sheet.

All past and future results for this lab test, from this specific facility, will be transferred to the flow sheet.  If labs are received via an HL7 interface from multiple facilities, only the results from the facility listed on the original HL7 result will be transferred.  This same process will need to be repeated for results received from other facilities.