Update Data Manager
This lesson walks you through updating Data Manager.
Data Manager Prerequisite
NOTE: Data Manager 2011 REQUIRES PostgreSQL 8.3. It will not work with PostgreSQL 8.2. To check your PostgreSQL version, check your server computer by going to Start, Programs, and look for PostgreSQL. It will either list PostgreSQL 8.2 or PostgreSQL 8.3. If it shows PostgreSQL 8.3, proceed with updating to the latest Data Manager. If it shows PostgreSQL 8.2, continue to use your current version of Data Manager that will continue working even if SOAPware is updated.
Before proceeding with the installation, ensure that everyone is out of SOAPware when installing DataManager as the installation will restart the database to make necessary changes to the database.
Install Data Manager

Run the Data Manager install file from the Intro to Updating lesson on your server computer.
NOTE: Windows Vista, 7 or Server 2008 users may need to right click on the install file and choose "Run as Administrator".
Welcome Menu - Click Next

Click Next to proceed.
License Agreement - Click I Accept and Next

If you agree to the license agreement, click I Accept and Next to move on.
Customer Information - Fill out and Click Next

Fill out the user name and organization. If you want all users to be able to use SOAPwareXchange on this computer choose Anyone who uses this computer (all users). Then click Next.
Destination Folder - Choose location and Click Next

If you want to install the Data Manager program files to another location, click Change to do so. Click Next to move to the next step.
Ready to Install - Click Next

Click Install to begin the installation.
Enter PostgreSQL Data Path

You may be prompted to supply the SOAPware DataServer path. By default, this is C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.3\data. On Windows Vista or 7, the default path is C:\Program Files (x86)\PostgreSQL\8.3\data. If you customized the location of the DataServer during the DataServer installation, insert this location to continue and then click OK.
Finish Installation

Click Finish. If you were using Data Manager 2010.2 or beyond previously, you are finished.
If you were using Data Manager 2010.1 or lower before, make sure these configuration changes are completed.