Q: How do I log out/disconnect from my SOAPware ASP Server?

A: There are different ways to log out/disconnect from your SOAPware ASP Server and not all have the same effect.  

Below discusses the methods for logging out or disconnecting, and the effects of each on your session and data.

Logging out of SOAPware and disconnecting from the ASP Server are two distinct actions.  It is possible to log out of SOAPware while remaining connected to your ASP Server.

Log Out of SOAPware

To log out of the SOAPware application, choose the menu option SOAPware > Log out or Exit SOAPware.

This method:

  • only closes SOAPware and has no effect on your ASP Server connection or any other application on your ASP Server.
  • will save all data you have entered into SOAPware.
  • is the recommended way to close SOAPware before ending your SOAPware ASP session in order to minimize the risk of data loss.

Disconnect from the Server

To Disconnect from your SOAPware ASP server:

  • This allows you to leave SOAPware and other applications running on your ASP Server when you disconnect.  SOAPware will continue to run on your server so that when you reconnect you can pick up your work in the same place.
  • If you plan to be away form the computer for a short time (such as when changing rooms), this is a simple way to make a new connection from another computer without having to shutdown all your open applications.
  • If you plan to be away from the computer for an extended period, it is highly recommended that you Log-Off from your server rather than disconnect, due to potential data loss. (See the Logging-Off section below.)
  • While you are disconnected, scheduled events (scheduled backups, maintenance, server updates, etc) or unscheduled events (hardware failure, emergencies, disasters) at the SOAPware data center could cause your ASP Server to reboot or close SOAPware, which will cause any unsaved data or documents to be lost.

Ways to Disconnect from the Server

There are four ways to Disconnect from your server:

  1. Clicking the Close Button in the upper right-hand corner of the Remote Desktop window.
  2. Right-clicking the Remote Desktop window title bar and choosing Close.
  3. Click the Start button on your ASP Server and choose Shutdown.  
  4. Select Disconnect from the drop down box and click OK.

Logging Off from the Server

Logging-Off is the recommended method to end your SOAPware ASP Server connection.  Your connection is closed properly and all changes made to your SOAPware ASP Server Desktop will be saved.

If you plan to be away from the computer for an extended period, it is highly recommended that you Log-Off from your server rather than disconnect, due to potential data loss.  Closing SOAPware (and any other open applications) before Logging-Off your ASP Server using  this method is the surest and safest way to minimize the possibility of data loss.

There are 2 ways to Log-Off from your server:

  1. Click the Start button on your ASP Server and choose Log Off.
  2. Click the Start button on your ASP Server and choose Shut Down, then select Log Off from the drop down box and click OK.