Creating a Basic Document Design
User Interface
The menus and action buttons available allow the user to create or edit a design. Note that many of the functions within Document Designer resemble Microsoft Word, and allow easy customization to any design. To see what each action button represents, point to it with the mouse. A text balloon will appear explaining its function.
Creating a New Design

To create a new document design, Click File, and Click the Create New Design menu item.
New Document Design

Type the new Document Name. Click either the Blank Document or Copy of (i.e. an existing document) radio button. Click OK.
New Design Recommendations
Making a decision, beforehand, on the content and layout of the design will expedite creation and minimize guesswork. As a suggestion, when creating new designs, create them as a copy of an existing design, or copy and paste content from an existing Word document. Then modify the design by using the commands in the Data Items menu to pull information from the patient chart to the design.
Entering and Editing Text
A user may use document designer much like a word processor, but a user may also have the added ability to use data items to pull information automatically onto the report.
Using Data Items and Macros

The Data Items menu houses all the commands that pull information from either the patient's Demographics (including the Insurance and Custom Demographics), the Provider Manager, the SOAP Note, Summary, or Contacts.
For example:
1. Click Data Items in the menu bar
2. Click the Misc. Data Items menu item
3. Click the Dates menu item
4. Click Current w/Full Month.
5. This will insert the command to pull the current date with the full month on to the Document Design
Saving a Document Design

To save changes to a document design, click File > Save.
Deleting a Document Design

To delete a document design, click File > Remove Design