Quick Access Pick Lists
Many SMARText items that offer pick lists will have a header displayed in blue, underlined text to signify that clicking on them will display pick list items for selection. The items are displayed in the SMARText Quick Access dialog, which by default, is docked to the right side of SOAPware.
Favorites List: Pick Lists Based on Location

After using SOAPware for some time, the user may notice that when clicking into a field (ie: Assessment field), SOAPware immediately presents the user with a list of SMARText Items in the SMARText Quick Access window. SOAPware remembers the SMARText Items that are used by the user in each field and saves them onto this "favorites list". Any time the user clicks to activate a field, the favorites list will be presented in the SMARText Quick Access window sorted by usage (most used to the top).
To insert a SMARText Item from the favorites list, simply double-click on the desired item.
Customizing the Usage Counter

When working with SMARText Quick Access "favorites list", the items that appear will be automatically sorted by Usage. The most used items will be placed at the top of the list.
The Usage counter for each SMARText item can be customized so the user is able to organize the list in the order of their preference.
Editing the Usage Count

To edit the usage count or bring a SMARText Item to the top of the list:
- Highlight the SMARText item.
- Click the Set Usage button.
- In the "Set usage count to:" box, enter the desired usage count.
- Click OK.
After refreshing the favorites list, this will set the usage count for the selected item to the number entered.
Removing an Item from the Favorites List

To remove a SMARText Item from the "favorites list":
- Highlight the SMARText item.
- Click the Set Usage button.
- In the "Set usage count to:" box, enter a usage count of 0. *Note: 0 will display by default, but you must type the number 0 in order for the item to be removed.
- Click OK.
After refreshing the favorites list, this will remove the SMARTet item from the list.
Pick Lists in Quick Access from Clicking a SMARText Header

Many SMARText Items offer pick lists (e.g. Chief Complaint, and HPI Items). These generally have the same function/action as Multi-Sel List types (to be discussed later). Another area using the same functionality as Multi-Sel Lists are the Structured Dx and Structured Rx Item types.