Create a Rule Set
A Rule Set a is a group of Health Maintenance rules, which allows multiple rules to be inserted to the patient's chart at one time. Some of the most common rule sets are created for patients within a specific demographic or patients with a specific diagnosis.

Open Health Maintenance by selecting Tools > Health Maintenance Rules and Sets.
1. Choose the Rule Sets tab.
2. Click the Create Rule Set button (Green +). The Create Rule Set dialog opens.
Choose Rules

- Name: Enter a name for the rule set.
- Rules: Place a check next to each rule that will be included in the rule set.
- Guidelines: Specify the guidelines for the rule set. If the rule set is being created for a specific age range, select the start age and end age. Select the variance for how often the rule set is due. In addition, specify a gender if the rule set is specific to a gender.
- Click Create to save the new rule set.
Edit a Rule Set

To edit a Rule Set:
- Select the Rule Set that will be edited
- Click the Edit Rule Set button
- Make the edits
- Click Save